(Two of my favorite things, right here – My Bible and the Beach! The Lord seems to whisper more loudly anytime I’m near the ocean!) At the end of Day 5, I mentioned I would give you the list…
To introduce today’s lesson on the journey to #bebrave, I must go back several years. I was much younger. Our kiddos were little. We were living in Kenya, at Rift Valley Academy, and to the best of our know-how,…
I asked Bay to hang this picture ⇡ at Gramma Dottie’s little house a week or so ago. There just wasn’t a spot at my house; so, now it will showcase a wall in her bedroom. It spent a…
Day 2 on this journey to #bebrave was just a little bit “clinical.” No interesting stories. Just facts about emotions…targeting fear. We’re going to look a little deeper into the emotion of fear (which is, undoubtedly, the most intense…
As one who has struggled with fear (and all its variations), I recognize the importance of being more aware about what is happening at the heart/mind level. Understanding helps the processing. Really…. So, let’s talk about the emotion of…
So far, in the last ten years, I don’t believe I’ve repeated a blog theme, let alone a series of blogs. It’s my habit to be seeking the Lord anew and to share afresh those things that He is…
This question has been popping into my head all week long: “Where is my King?” If I were living in the age of the Judges, I would be asking that question of myself. The children of the Lord were…
As a self-proclaimed word-nerd, I’m always looking for new (or, even forgotten old) words that express in better ways what I am attempting to say… It’s why I enjoy picking up new Bible translations (and, even paraphrases from time…
REMEMBER! This word. It is important to the Lord. So far, in my reading through the Bible program, I have completed The Law and The History books. I was curious how many times the Lord asks us to remember….…
Lent: The perfect season to reflect on all I am because of His death for me! The Lenten season keeps marching forward…. I continue to pray, “Search my heart, O God & reveal to me what You see…” He…