Prayer Calendar
There are several ways that you can personally get involved in FOCUS Ministries. One of those ways is through prayer. We value your prayers, and are always looking to expand our Prayer Team. Each month, we will post a prayer calendar that will give you guided prayer suggestions, as well as keep you informed as to the dates we’re away speaking. As the Apostle Paul asked his ministry team to pray, so we ask the same: “pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored…(2 Thessalonians 3:1)”

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Calendar of Tribe Events
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
S Sun
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1 event,
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1 event,
Adams County Strong Marriage Conference in Indiana for 5 Churches
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0 events,
1 event,
Kenya Ministry Trip (Bay)
1 event,
2 events,
Azmera Women’s Retreat for Global Women, Bali (Peg)
2 events,
Kenya Ministry Trip (Bay)
Azmera Women’s Retreat for Global Women, Bali (Peg)
2 events,
Kenya Ministry Trip (Bay)
Azmera Women’s Retreat for Global Women, Bali (Peg)
1 event,
1 event,
1 event,
Bay returns to Phoenix, AZ
1 event,
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.