I’m sure you’ve wondered about the randomness of these devotionals. Really there has been no rhyme or reason to the women I’ve picked, or when I’ve picked them, except for the few surrounding the Christmas season. So, when I sat…
It only takes four verses in 2 Kings, chapter 5, to tell a delightful little short story. The narrative doesn’t begin well, but it certainly has a fairy tale ending! Here’s how it begins in verse 2: Now bands from…
The angel of the Lord found Hagar near a spring in the desert; and the angel of the Lord said to her: “You are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord…
While Scripture wasn’t clear about what happened between David and Bathsheba, we do know exactly what happened with David’s daughter, Tamar. Here is her story: In the course of time, Amnon, son of David, fell in love with Tamar,…
It’s an unlikely New Year’s passage, the one above… …the story of Anna. (Anna the Prophetess, by Rembrandt) She’s one of the handful of people who recognized JESUS at infancy. I am intrigued by these three verses, where…
As promised…here’s part 2 of Mary’s story. I want to remind you: Mary was not someone special. She was a woman of flesh and blood, just like you and me. To acquire a healthy heart in the midst of…
A week ago, we dove into the life of Bathsheba… At that time, you were invited to explore the answer to the question: Are there certain character traits God looks for as He chooses His vessels of service? We’ve…
A follow up for those of you who have privately, and otherwise, messaged me about Bathsheba’s story being a case of rape on David’s part. I want to re-iterate: The written Scriptures are unclear. …and, we must stay hermeneutically…
The lineup of ladies in the lineage of Jesus is pretty unusual to say the least! We have Tamar – who prostituted herself to gain what was rightfully hers; Rahab – a prostitute who sheltered Israelite spies and bartered…
As I get ready to begin, let me encourage you to read the four chapters that make up the Old Testament book of Ruth (link provided)… It’s a rather interesting pair of women who show up back to back…