Two days ago I found myself seated on an airplane above the clouds flying over the Rockies.

This was my view.

I was supposed to have been seated on the same flight the previous day.

Mother Nature disagreed.

I sat delayed two hours in Albany, NY (thunderstorms in Chicago).

Not all was bad – Albany hosts a Chic-Fil-A (where I sat for lunch); and, I walked my 10,000 daily steps.

I finally boarded, and sat for two hours next to a 6-year old girl and her 4-year old brother.

I kept looking for parents, but couldn’t identify them.

They probably planned to remain anonymous.

The kiddos were blond-haired, blue-eyed cherubs, until the batteries on their tablets died 40 minutes into our (supposedly) two-hour flight.

The remaining time rivaled a WWE tournament, complete with slapping, pulling hair, kicking, and screaming.

I’ve earned the title in our family as “Entertainment Nana,” but not this day.

To these babes, I was invisible; and, so, I sat helpless in 8D on Flight 395.

I sighed, relieved when the pilot announced we were beginning our descent into Chicago.

Only a few more minutes to endure where I was seated.


Twenty minutes later, as we were still circling the airport (same altitude), we were informed that this holding pattern would continue until a break in the weather conditions would allow us to safely put the plane on the ground.

The melee next to me continued.

An hour later, and running low on fuel, our pilots zoomed us into Rockford.

Now, I was seated in an itty bitty airport, only 90 miles from the end to the first leg of my journey….and, WAITING.



Where have you found yourself seated this week?

I’ve had some enjoyable seats, and a few dishonorable ones.

I’ve been seated on diverse planes (in coach and, woohoo, in first class), on a pontoon barge, a ski boat, a canoe, a rock, a pew, a chapel, a dining room table, on a bench, a quiet corner on a small island beach, and at a bonfire.

Where I’ve sat has said something about me – about who I am and what I do.

I’m a frequent-flyer-traveler, a worshiper, a speaker, an eater, a rester, a follower-of-Jesus, a ponderer, a reader, and sometimes a worrier….

This morning, I’m seated at a computer, and pretending to be a blogger.

Leading up to this pretense, I’ve been a researcher, student, and puzzle-solver.

I’m putting bits and pieces together to share what I’m learning regarding being #seated (with Christ).

I thought it somewhat of an annoyance and a difficulty to be seated on a flight with two unhappy children. I struggled some with the inability to not make it home on my original flight, and being forced to wait in Chicago to travel the following day (when I finally got out of Rockford, we did go back to Chicago, arriving close to 11:00 PM……………………………and, I traded seats with the daddy.)


My first stop on the adventure to discover what it means to be #seated was a prison cell.

A visit to a prisoner by the name of Paul.

His crime?  He loved and followed Jesus.

I mentally tried to put myself in his seat.

While Paul only suffered house arrest, his guard never let him out of sight. Some think he may have even been chained within his home. Whatever the conditions, my comfort level rose quite beyond Paul’s experiences.

Even still, Paul was able to teach and receive visitors.

Fortunate for him, as he was responsible to figure out how to be fed and clothed.

For two years, this was Paul’s life.

Here, Paul wrote what we know as his prison epistles: Colossians, Philemon, Ephesians and Philippians.

Here, we learn the depths of Paul’s theology, and how it is lived out practically.

From Paul’s letters, we hear the passion with which he taught, and capture snapshots of his heart’s desire to leave the church the Lord allowed him to build an inheritance of words.

These words would keep the church steadfast through the ages. She would be wiser and stronger.


It’s when I got to this verse in Ephesians chapter 2, I stopped (you saw this verse last week, and were asked to think on it)…

From his seat in prison, Paul assures me, where I sit on this earth is only an illusion.

His body may be in that place of imprisonment.

My body may be seated somewhere on this earth…in some random place….doing some random job.

BUT, that’s not where Paul’s soul is seated, nor is this place mine.

He’s there, but not there.

I’m here, but not here.

Paul’s already in the heavenly places, where he is seated with Christ, in Christ.

Because I’ve been saved by grace (Ephesians 2:5b), I am there, as well.

So are you.

I just fail to live at all times as if that’s where I am seated.

I fail to claim my place of position.

HOWEVER, from this seat, EVERYTHING about life changes.


The over-arching view of what is below.



A spiritual mind to grasp God’s what for me (I have the mind of Christ – I Corinthians 2:16)….

I see life through the lens of Jesus’ love.

More importantly, I am “hidden in Christ in God (Colossians 3:3).”

In a small airport, middle of No-where, Illinois, Paul gently spoke these words, “Take your seat.”

‘The view is great from here!’

Then he whispered, “You might even write a blog on it one day.” (Wink) (Smile!)

(PS. Thank you Tapawingo Girls Camp for the beautiful photos!)

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