An Advent Reflection…

It struck me on Sunday in the midst of the service.
It’s a testimony of the timelessness of Scripture.
It’s a declaration of delight in the Word that still speaks to hearts.

How many times have I heard the Christmas story?
You know, the one Dr. Luke wrote…
We read it EVERY YEAR, at home, on Christmas Eve.
It’s tradition.
With kids around or none.
We remind ourselves of the truth of His coming.
The manger-baby whose coming turned our lives around.

But this Sunday –
As common as every other Sunday –
The story was read aloud and one verse…just one…
seemed to be shouted from the microphone.
And, one truth, one small reminder, leapt off the page and into my soul.
God’s whispered words just to me.

Fear not,
      for BEHOLD,
            I bring you GOOD NEWS of GREAT JOY!
                     (Luke 2:10)

These were words from an angel
Who interrupted some shepherds on a quiet hillside.
Men who’d been minding their business.

Perhaps they’d been quietly swapping stories.
Maybe watching the glistening night sky.
Or, reflecting on the craziness of David’s City, as men and women crashed their way through the town gates to register for taxes, none in a good mood.
Tax season never brings out the best in anyone.

The shepherds might have been cautiously complaining about the Roman Rule.
Maybe reminiscing on what life would look like under a new rule…
The one promised by God so many years ago.

Whatever was happening, in these shepherd-conversations, they knew that they were different than most people.
They were shepherds.
Lowest of low on the totem pole.
Down there at the bottom, just above pond scum (oops, Samaritans).
No watching or wondering would change life for them…

UNTIL an angel appeared.
The “glory of the Lord shone around them.”
That meant their universe, their little spot of sheep-grazing-land, was illuminated.
Darkness was obliterated.
Pitch black became daylight at midnight.

It was NOTHING they’d ever seen before.
Totally out of the ORDINARY.
“And they were filled with GREAT FEAR.”

I can only imagine it.
What if, in the middle of my darkness?
In the middle of my desperation?
In the midst of wondering how I might change my life for the better?
An angel simply appeared?


That’s what the unknown does to us, right?
It troubles our hearts.
Our mind runs crazy with conspiracy theories…

Then, the angel spoke those words.
Those very familiar words.

And there it is…the simple truth.

Between great fear and great joy there is always good news.

Good news changes EVERYTHING.
God’s good news.

What’s the key to understanding it?
One word.


Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world…

Behold, the old has gone, and the new has come…

Behold, I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.

Behold, He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him…

Behold, your King is coming…

Our great fear can always change to great joy when we behold the good news!

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