Every once in a while a song gets
stuck in my head.  There’s one that keeps
creeping up quite often by a Christian group, Sidewalk Prophets.  The song is titled, Live Like That.  Here’s a
link on YouTube, if you’d like to listen to it for yourself.  I’ll also include the words at the bottom of
this thought

I like words.  I’m a
little odd in that respect.  I even like
dictionaries.  I enjoy exploring meanings…and,
often, my quiet-times get sidetracked as I chase the rabbits of words down
trails I never expected to explore.  I
spent some time chasing two particular words from this song:  recklessly

Reckless (adj.) /rek.lis/:   1)
utterly unconcerned about the consequences of one’s actions; 2) characterized or
proceeding from careless unconcern.

Abandoned (adj.)
/uh.ban.duh.nd/:  1) forsaken or deserted; 2) unrestrained or
uncontrolled; 3) utterly lacking in restraint; 4) to give up control of, to
yield without restraint or moderation.

Isolate these two words and both have a negative
  I’ve known people whom I
would have characterized as
reckless.  Very
.  They’re just like definitions
one and two.
  When I think of these kinds
of people, I think of driving in Kenya.
Most drivers didn’t think about what might be up ahead, and around that
next corner; they just passed the car in front of them anyway.
it’s why I saw so many accidents, and dead bodies, on the side of Kenyan

I’ve also known people who’ve experienced abandonment, as in definition one.  Very
.  I am close to some gals who
lived abandonment.   Deserted by dad and mom, these friends survived
homelessness before they turned 18.  As a
result, trust doesn’t come easy for these women.   

But…put these words together…and put them in a spiritual
context…and the meaning is completely different.
  Very smart.  Recklessly
takes any control of my life, and my ministry, out of my own
hands, and gives it completely to Jesus.
In his hands those things are much safer.  Very
  In those hands, I can rest
peacefully, because those hands are good, kind, and…sovereign.
 doesn’t care what others
  Recklessly abandoned only cares what Jesus thinks.  Recklessly
only does what Jesus would do.  Recklessly abandoned is unconcerned
I am no longer concerned
that my life is not my own; it’s just Jesus’ life.
  Jesus’ ministry.  Jesus-focused. 

I want
to live like that.
Sometimes I think
What will people say of me
When I’m only just a memory
When I’m home where my soul belongs
Was I love
When no one else would show up
Was I Jesus to the least of those
Was my worship more than just a song


I want to live like that
And give it all I have
So that everything I say and do
Points to You
If love is who I am
Then this is where I’ll stand
Recklessly abandoned
Never holding back
I want to live like that

Am I proof
That You are who you say You are
That grace can really change a heart
Do I live like Your love is true
People pass
And even if they don’t know my name
Is there evidence that I’ve been changed
When they see me, do they see You


I want to show the world the love You gave for me
I’m longing for the world to know the glory of the King


Sidewalk Prophets © 2012

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