As a self-proclaimed word-nerd, I’m always looking for new (or, even forgotten old) words that express in better ways what I am attempting to say…

It’s why I enjoy picking up new Bible translations (and, even paraphrases from time to time) to see how other scholars are re-phrasing familiar passages.

Now that my Bible App has thousands to choose from, I can accomplish this so much easier.

Yesterday, a sweet friend (thank you, Ronnie Arrington) posted this translation of 2 Timothy 1:6-7 on Facebook from the Holman Christian Study Bible. 

I fell in extreme-like with the word ABLAZE…

I’ve seen it written in other translations “to fan into flame,” or, “to stir up the embers…”

That word, however, in the original text (which I have at my disposal with the touch of a digital finger) is stirring my soul this morning.

It is a compound word in the Greek: Anazopyreo.
This word is comprised of 3 different words, which you won’t care a whit about (even if I do), but here they are:
1) Ana: “in the midst of”
2) Pyra: “fiery”
3) Zoon: “to live”

Paul, sweet man, is reminding his spiritual son, Timothy to “live fiery in the midst of all he is going through by using the gifts God placed in him by the Holy Spirit, boldly and without fear.”

In reality, Paul is saying, in this season (imitate me), and live FIERY!

Is this not SO APPROPRIATE for our Coronavirus-season???

Me thinks the Lord is calling us all to do just this in creative and fresh new ways.

To be enthusiastic…zealous…stirred up….to not just sit in our homes complacently, but to “live fiery, bold, Christian lives” with our children, with our families, with our friends, with neighbors…and, to (as I was reminded recently) physically distance, but not be socially distant! (Thank you, Chris Smith)

Re-think by asking, “What is my spiritual gift? Where’s my passion? What am I good at doing?”
“Where do I find joy in making, creating, working, baking, crafting, speaking, writing, painting, tearing apart and putting back together, serving, sharing….etc., etc., etc.”

THEN, once answered, make a plan, set up a schedule, GO and DO with fire-in-your-heart and (here’s another word I love) ENTHUSIASM-in-your-soul….

Even, if it feels foolish….
Even, if it feels like failure…
That’s ok.
FAIL by doing in Jesus name…
Learn from failing….
and, then, FAIL BETTER! 

Do not live in fear, 
but do love,
with the gifts
God has placed
inside each and every
one of us!

There is no greater time to live out of abundance!

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