Finding Our Purpose in Insecurity
True confession.
It is my natural tendency to live and battle insecurity.
I can do fake-confidence fairly well, but inside is another story.

The good news is that when we recognize something that is a weakness, we can deal with it.
As I’ve mentioned before in other blogs, I have a process I walk through with the Lord and it truly helps me to step into a true-confidence that is based not on comparison or contrast with others; not on what I think about me when I step in front of a mirror; and, definitely not on validation, or no validation (as the case may be), from others.

My journey always takes a walk with a stop at several junctures:
First, a deep look into the heart of my God and my Savior. His character matters. He can’t ever be untrue to His character. I remind myself who it is that created me, saved me, and called me. This Lord is the one who also equips.
…”He cannot deny Himself (2 Timothy 2:13b)”
Next, I remember what the Lord says about me and to me (in reality, at the bottom line, this matters far more than what anyone else thinks). He says to me over and over:
“I am His beloved daughter.”
“He finds great joy in me.”
“He is with me…always…wherever I go and His presence brings me joy I can step into.”
“His love is enduring.”
“He sees me.”
“He provides everything I need.”
“He will empower me and give me His Words.”
That is only a partial list and I could go on at length. Please add your own to it.

I spend time just worshipping a God who is all this and says all this TO ME! How can I not.
I simply allow Him to fill me up by way of these reminders; and, as I receive HIS TRUTH, I sense the GOD-confidence level rising.
I know whose I am and who I am in Him; and, I trust Him.

This is my prelude to introduce another aspect of John the Baptist’s character that is endearing.
This unique and mysterious prophet knew without a shadow of a doubt TO WHOM HE BELONGED and WHO HE WAS.
This is important…
Our purpose on this earthly planet is birthed out of whose we are.
Our calling births our mission, while we’re here.
And, finally, out of the mission comes our message.

All of this is true of John…and, what is true for him, we can certainly apply to ourselves.
John’s miraculous birth was no accident.
Every birth boasts a miracle (especially in this day and age with abortion statistics skyrocketing).
But, what if?
What if?
What if, John’s birth and his story is an invitation for you and I to, also, step into our purpose, our specific mission, and our message?

Actually, I think it is…
Over the next few weeks, let’s take a look at what the Lord says about John (there’s a few surprise identity truths in there for us to claim, as well)…and learn to walk confidently in our unique purpose, mission and with our very own message…