Recently, another celebrity passed away too soon, too young.  The world mourned the loss of a great talent; the TV media consumed the hours with speculation of cause and details surrounding the preparation of, as well as, the entire funeral (one news station stopped a critical political interview just so we could see the plane descend from the night sky as it brought the body back home).  The world seemed to halt at this passing.  Grief consumed Americans.  Will there really be life and entertainment after the fact? 
Yet, we will all die.  This truth has certainly become more verified as each birthday passes, and the more frail this earthly tent gets.  However, as I study passages of Scripture around my theme of gratitude, my mind is shifting with a new paradigm of thought regarding death…well, the death of those in Christ Jesus.
Here are Paul’s words concluding a lengthy expose on death:
…but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
(read 1 Cor. 15:50-58).
Paul seems to say, “There’s no need to mourn.  Instead, give thanks!”  This is contradictory to all we know.  Oh, we’re willing to focus on celebrating the life -absolutely!  Yet, the last thing we “feel like” doing when a loved one dies is expressing sincere gratitude for death, or living out of a thankful spirit.  It’s difficult to ask a mourner to have a pervading spirit of thanksgiving.  Yet this is what Paul is suggesting should be our mantra at death.
Don’t get me wrong; Paul’s not saying to stuff the feelings.  Death brings grief, loneliness, worry about the future, and, often, anger.  Paul’s not telling us that we should numb out and not process these emotions.  What he is telling us is that in spite of our loss, we can have an internal heart of appreciation – for what the Lord gives the believer at death!
Here’s what:  1) those in Christ are now in a position to inherit the Kingdom of God.  Usually, it’s the ones left behind that are given an inheritance.  But in God’s economy, it’s backwards.  When you die, you receive the gift – the place Jesus has gone to prepare, our marriage to the bridegroom (Jesus), and the joyous celebration feast.  I think of all the young women on our campus at ACU about to be married – the sparkle in their eyes as they prepare for their upcoming day shines their enthusiasm.  That is our attitude toward death – a marriage takes place.  This is real victory!
2) This body (that tent I just mentioned) is changed from perishable to imperishable, from mortal to immortal, from corruptible to incorruptible.  Praise the Lord!  This is real victory!
3) Jesus swallowed up sin and the grave – the sting, the power, and the consumption of death has been abolished.  Death is now LIFE!  This is real victory!

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