I’ve loved the song “Even So Come” since I first heard it played on my SiriusXM Station in the car. However, these words, “…like a bride waiting for her groom, we’ll be a church ready for you…,” have caused…
I had a conversation a while back with an acquaintance who’d called me for a little marriage advice. She asked. I shared. She didn’t like what I had to say. Basically, I directed her to Scripture. She was looking…
When the Lord reminded me of His call on my life a couple of Sunday’s ago, it was also a wake-up alarm. God didn’t choose us, rescue us, change us to simply be pew-potatoes, or secret-service-saints. Each of us…
Sometime during the weeks of Lent, I felt a check, an obvious God-led check, to walk away from my blog. The reasons were obvious to me, and I wrote about it in the last article, so no need to…
My watch said 1:26 A.M. when I knew I wasn’t going back to sleep. I just HATE it when that happens! It’s generally me wrestling with the Lord about something, and He just knows He won’t have my full…
It’s been just over a week ago, our team of seven returned from ministering in Cuba. While the trip is a lot of work to put together, we are always blessed by the warmth, generosity, and passionate hunger of…
Swirling around in my brain this morning are scores of verses I’ve studied over the weekend on faith. After all, if ABUNDANT faith is indication of a healthy church, then I want a good, solid, biblical view of what…
As a general rule, I really struggle when I’m around people who boast. Even though I’ve come to realize that it’s often out of insecurity (which, in itself, is a sense of false pride), it’s a hurdle for me…
Lessons on Church, or “#lessonsonchurch”. Here’s what I have learned so far. I am the church. Jesus has to remain my foundation, my focus, my friend. Jesus never goes on sale, because what He supplies is always in demand.…
Growing up, church was always a place. We went to church. It was a cute church (see picture here). Little in size and small in number. It was always the same (or so it seemed to me at the…