Moses passed. Joshua died. All those who were of that generation were “gathered to their fathers” (code words for “they died”). And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he…
Prayer. I’ve read A LOT of books on prayer. I’ve attended prayer conferences. I’ve sat through many sermons (including one from our pastor last Sunday). I’ve studied through passages of Scripture…all prayer related. I’ve taught on prayer. But, the…
It’s no secret, our country is a mess. On the morning of November 9th, no one will truly wake up a winner. We are all polarized and uncomfortable. We’ve run out of options for ethical/moral/spiritual/exemplary leaders. The certainty is…
“Don’t be discouraged at the spiritual war you’re called to fight every day. The Lord Almighty is with you and wars on your behalf.” Paul David Tripp The suitcases are unpacked. The laundry has been sorted and started. The…
We’d parked underneath the Town Clock on Citadel Hill (downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia). Built by order of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, over the last six years of the 1700’s, the clock was meant to discourage being late for…
A moment of honesty. My mind is blank. Normally, it runs in circles like the cars on the Indy 500 racetrack; however, at the moment, it is curiously quiet. Perhaps all the drivers are making pit stops. It may…
I’ve hiked it a million times (ok, that’s an exaggeration, probably it’s more in the hundreds). I’ve stood on the same ledge and overlooked the valley below. This morning, the sun-angle cast a different kind of glow, giving a…
It sneaks up on you. Before you know it, it has iron clad fists around your heart. You’re paralyzed. It’s hard to think practical every-day-common-ordinary thoughts, let alone make life changing decisions. Your mind feels a bit like Hurricane…
It’s noticeable. The summer season is slowly slipping into fall. My backyard-aspen have a tinge of gold. The mornings are cool and the days warm. The squirrels are bustling about from tree to tree as they build their nests…
Sometimes my study in God’s Word takes me to places of comfort. Sometimes I find myself a little beat up (this I have, over the last few weeks of learning how to “Man-up!’”). But at all times, I discover…