Hearts prepared. Advent is a time of preparation. That was another “job” of John the Baptist (Jesus’ personal fore-runner). He lived to “turn the hearts of Israel back to their God (Matthew 1:16).” Israel had lost her focus. Israel had…
This is enough to reflect on today as we think of the Advent of Christ’s birth: How much do I value my Savior? The way I wait is telling… Yet, what a promise in the midst of the waiting!…
I received an e-letter from a friend of mine. This friend is a “global worker” (we used to use the “m” word to describe this gal, but we can’t anymore). She works in an undisclosed 10-40-window-country. That means I…
I’ve been thinking a lot about the waiting that comes with Advent. Waiting is imperative with the coming. Waiting says there is something better ahead…and, so, with the waiting there has to be hope. The two join hands and…
Advent gently reminds us of the “now” and “not yet” that comes with being people of faith. Advent reminds us of the importance of waiting. Advent whispers our need for a Savior. Advent teaches us God’s timing is always…
My blog post from December 16, 2013 highlighted an embarrassment at a women’s Christmas event in Arizona at which I spoke. I had dropped baby Jesus. I bungled the message. One little instant from which I struggled to recover,…
I completed my “homework.” I am prepared. Next time I try to haul the weight of shame around in a backpack, here is my anti-shame declaration in the form of a prayer. Jesus, you are the role model I…
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the…
After the shame debacle I wrote about last week, I decided to take a deeper look into the backpack I so often haul around. As I dug, I pulled out a lot of stuff… I thought that maybe by…
The journey of LIFE: this has been my theme over the past several weeks. Not unusual, since I spent slightly over two weeks traveling to Tanzania and back for ministry. There are a lot of similarities between traveling overseas…