Suffering makes us forgetful people. I know this. I’ve been there in the middle of tragedy and hit a complete mental wall when it came to remembering what is true about God, about suffering, and about who I am…
It’s been many months past, when Bay and I sat in a church service listening to a young couple, fresh from the mission field, reporting to their supporting church… They’d returned to the US to raise more finances for…
Happy Easter, all! ***** Knowing that suffering is a “when” and not an “if,” causes me to tarry at verses that speak of it. Ponder them. File them away for future use. In Paul Tripp’s book, “Suffering,” he says,…
Sleepless nights. I hate them! Obviously, they occur for a variety of reasons, but if experiencing some form of trial, suffering, heartache, disappointment…well, you’re assured a few. This week brought me, so far, exactly two. I fussed with a…
(Be on the alert at all times…our theme for this week) Please indulge me with a few random thoughts racing through my mind and a wee bit of history, as I pause my look at developing a theology of…
Jesus warned His followers (us) that we aren’t promised a rose-garden-kind-of-life. In fact, He said: “In this world you will experience sorrows, troubles of many kinds, and great difficulty, BUT you will also be comforted, discover peace, and find courage…
There’s a story… It must be true. I read it on the internet, so… ? Yet, true or not, it drives home a point; so here goes: XXXXX Every once in a while, a mama sheep (ewe) will give…
“Put for the gospel…” Paul’s words for life. Words I shared in last week’s post. However, I simply can’t move past that word: PUT In my quest for settling a solid theology for suffering, I’m leaning into some of…
As I type this, I’m still in Rome. It’s Thursday here… I come home on Sunday. What a joy to walk streets and to stand in front of places where no doubt the Apostles Paul and Peter stood…to be…
This past weekend, Bay and I had the privilege of stepping back into time. Well, it felt very much like we had done so. Months ago, we agreed to speak at a youth retreat for students from a variety…