This is my favorite Christmas ornament. It happens to be the only Santa-anything I have in our house this time of year. Every year that I put up my little fake tree that is home to every nativity ornament I own, this one is front and center. I love that Santa is kneeling in front of the manger. It puts everything about Christmas back in perspective. It’s not about Santa. I love that Santa is worshipping. It reminds me that Christmas is about humble beginnings and humble continuings (I know that’s not a word, I like it, anyway). Jesus humbled Himself by becoming a babe, living simply, dying wholeheartedly on my behalf; I’m to live out His example on a daily basis. I love that at the bottom of this ornament it has these words:

That at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father!
Philippians 2:10-11

There it is. The true response to Christmas. Advent is near!

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