The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.  We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14
Thanksgiving?  Over!  Christmas? On the horizon.  Over the next few weeks, our minds will be engaged with the coming festivities.  As, I close this series on the “I Am’s” of Jesus, these three words highlight what the season is all about for me.  Jesus – my One and Only! 
My One and Only…who created the world in which I live.
My One and Only…who gives life and breath.
My One and Only…who is the perfect shepherd, &
My One and Only…who is the perfect lamb of God.
My One and Only…who sacrificed for my salvation.
My One and Only…who redeemed my soul.
My One and Only…who offered me complete forgiveness.
My One and Only…who chose me to be adopted by grace into a new family.
My One and Only…who loves me endlessly.
My One and Only…who prepares eternity for me.
My One and Only…who set me free.
My One and Only…who declares me “not guilty,” accepts me unconditionally, and whispers you are not condemned (“Go! Sin no more!”)
My One and Only…who provides all that I need.
My One and Only…who knows my end from my beginning.
My One and Only…who has a good work ordained for me – a purpose and value to my existence.
My One and Only…who is full of grace.
My One and Only…who speaks truth, gently but firmly.
My One and Only…who sets my feet upon a righteous path.
My One and Only…who offers me an abundant life.
My One and Only…who speaks words of intimacy to me.
My One and Only…who assures me of His presence.
My One and Only…who blesses me beyond measure.
My One and Only…who calls me “friend.”
My One and Only…who heals my broken heart.
My One and Only…who sustains me in his massive, supportive hand.
My One and Only…who knows just what I need, when I need it, and doesn’t always answer yes to my heart’s desires (because my best is always what’s put first).
My One and Only…who is at work completing me – thank you, God!
May this holiday season find you daily contemplating your One and Only!

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