And we proclaim
Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom that we may
present every man complete in Christ. 
And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power,
which mightily works within me (Col. 1:28-29).

The Apostle Paul would never have received a passing grade in English 101
(well, his translators wouldn’t).  Bible grammar is fairly sketchy, at best, and Basic English
rules are simply not adhered to, overall. 
Look at the above verse – as an English teacher, I would have frowned
upon using the same combination of words three different times in one sentence (i.e., every man).  Yet, when it comes to Biblical Interpretation
the rules are different.  When words are
repeated, pay attention!  When they are
repeated three times, REALLY.PAY.ATTENTION. 
So, why this combination of words – and, all in one verse?  Here are my thoughts…

  This was Paul’s heartbeat.

(Boom) every.
(Boom) man.

This was
Paul’s life breath.

(In) every.
(Out) man.

His path.

(Left foot) every.
(Right foot) man.


(Tick) every.
(Tock) man.

This was the same attitude that was in Christ Jesus
(Philippians 1:5).  Paul had caught
it.  He loved it.  Lived it.  Died it. 
Every man.

Wherever he
went – it was with the same purpose: to proclaim Jesus, to admonish, to
teach…every man.

Wherever he
went – it was with the same goal:  to
complete, perfect, bring to maturity…every man.

Wherever he
went – it was with the same intentions: to labor, striving, in the SPIRIT’S
POWER (not his own)…for every man.             

At all
times…every man.

Oh, to be so
focused!  This was the verse that caught
my eye this morning.  It’s our ministry
passage (for FOCUS Ministries).  I’ve
read it a hundred times.  This morning every man came to my attention.

2013 may
look very different for me.  Change is
inevitable.  Yet, like Paul, who imitated
Jesus, my calling will not change.  There
will still be people, wherever I go.  Not
projects.  Just people.  People who need Jesus-words.  Jesus-heart. 
Jesus-attitude.  Jesus-hands.  Jesus-hope. 
From me.  I am to be about every man.  I am not to pick and choose, not to isolate,
not to curl up on a couch or in a chair with a good book or a good movie, but
to keep being about being used – through the power of HIS GLORIOUS MIGHT.

Forgive me, Lord, for the times I think I
just want to be alone, to see no one, say nothing, be a vegetable.  That’s not really my heart…it’s my
distraction.  I want to be an imitator of
the one who imitated You.  Open my eyes,
that I be ready, for every man.   Amen.  

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