At the cross I find the beauty of Your matchless grace
At the cross I see a King who died to take my place
It’s the moment that You made me clean and pardoned my soul
Amazing grace that I would be allowed unto Your throne
Not by my own will but solely by Your will alone
I’m unworthy of this love you have shown to me
I see my desperate need

The beauty of the cross is that there’s One who has redeemed my soul
Beauty of the cross is  I’m finally free and letting go
Beauty of the cross is that Your grace has found me just as I am…

-Lyrics to The Beauty of the Cross, by Jonny Diaz

The song lyrics capture the essence of the crucifixion.  Amen!  It is for these reasons that today is Good Friday.  Otherwise, there is nothing good about it.  Crucifixion was a horrible, shameful death.  (Go to YouTube, if you’ve forgotten, & watch the scenes from The Passion of Christ…I just did, and while it makes me want to close my eyes, or shut it off, the crucifixion was reality).  Yet, it was necessary. This whole event was because of me, and for me!  You, too.

All Jesus endured this day is over-shadowed by matchless grace, substitionary atonement, redemption, & most of all, forgiveness! As a result, I AM FREE… Freed from slavery to sin!

Honestly, I really don’t think that there is more to say.  Click on the link to the song, perhaps visit some of the take-outs from The Passion on the crucifixion, and reflect.  Then, do as I have been doing with some of my grand-children, put on some rowdy praise music and do a joyful dance in honor of your REDEMPTION.  Remember, there is no redemption without a price…what a price was paid!

I must not take it for granted…

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