It came as an eye-opener to me this week.

It shouldn’t have surprised me.

Yet, it did.

I’ve always known the enemy will attack us personally, and that he seeks out any whom he can devour.

He roars at us, like a male lion, standing at a bush trying to scare out some poor animal, so his female counter-part can take it down for his dinner.

His greatest strength is his intimidation.

His roar is loud.

It’s all we can hear when we’re trying to camouflage ourselves from certain demise.

It’s uncanny how we can translate the roar in our heads.

It sounds a lot like self-condemnation.

It sounds a lot like shame-language.

What we hear is fairly common in any dialect…

“I am just not enough…”

“I will never get it right…”

“I’m not worth anything…to anyone…”

“It’s no wonder I find it hard to make friends…”

“Why am I here, anyway, I have no purpose…”

“Everyone and everything seems to be against me…”

“How could anyone ever love me…”

“If only I were _______________________ (you fill in the blank) I might have a chance.”

The fiery darts the enemy shoots our way ALWAYS lodge in the brain.

It’s his greatest battlefield….and our greatest weakness.

Here’s what surprised me:

A plethora of God’s promises are all wrapped around our Christ-identity.

The Lord knew about the enemy’s schemes before he ever unleashed them on us.

So, in order to keep us from losing hope, God spoke His HOPE-FULL PROMISES into existence.

Just for me in times like this when I’m at a low.

Just for you when you need them, as well.

I ran across many such promises in Romans, chapter 8. Just one chapter. All filled with some amazing promises from God; and, a significant amount of them deal with my Christ-given-identity.

If I grab ahold, to receive them…and believe them…by grace-granted-faith….it changes EVERYTHING about the devil’s attacks.

It is simply no wonder that so many Christians struggle with identity issues.

BUT GOD…He has given us His Word:

I have no condemnation in Christ Jesus (8:1).

I am set free from all sin and subsequent death (8:2).

To set my mind on the Spirit grants me PEACE and ABUNDANT LIFE (8:6).

I am a child of God (8:14, 15, 16).

In me, the Spirit of God eliminates my fear (8:15).

As a child of God, at any time, I can cry out for help with just these words, “Abba, Father!” (8:15).

There is a far greater glory awaiting me than any present suffering (8:18)

I am an heir to God’s glory (8:17)

I don’t know how to pray effectively, but the Spirit of God intercedes for me (8:26).

All things work together for my good that I might be conformed to Christ’s image (8:28-29).

I am called (8:30).

I am justified (8:30).

I am covered in God’s love that nothing can separate (8:31, 35, 38, 39).

I am more than a conqueror (8:37).

Don’t see these promises in you?

God promises He is at work; and all His promises are YES (don’t ever forget that)!!!!!

Remember, He also tells us…

Hope that is seen is not hope. 

So, wait with patience….and, fill your cup with HoPe!

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