Good Friday.

Crucifixion Day.

“Yes, the darkness of this day is real, and it is painful. It should cause us to wince, to mourn, to grow quiet as we gaze soberly upon the wounded Christ hanging on His cross. It should cause us to repent of our sin—the sin He carried and suffered for in our place. But it should also cause us to worship. It is by His wounds that we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). It is His suffering that brought us peace (Isaiah 66:12).”


It was a dark day.

In EVERY way – dark!

And painful.

Blood had to be shed.

God required it.

There was only one way to cover my sins.

…and yours.

And so on that one, blessed, dark and painful day. Jesus chose to die.

For the forgiveness of my sin.

For yours…

The righteous for the unrighteous.

So, with Jesus’ will surrendered to the Father, He chose the dark and painful path…

And, all the while (EVERY! SINGLE! SECOND! of it!), you and I were on His mind…

In His heart…

RIGHT there on the cross.

So, yes.

Today is about:





Can I ask a favor?  Please take just a few minutes of your time. Go to this link. Close your eyes. Listen to the words of this song (it’s being sung by a dear friend of ours in England, taped a few years ago). THE MESSAGE IS SO FRESH…SO WORTH the meditation on this Friday.

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