A couple of weeks ago, I sat in the Denver airport, waiting on a delayed flight, catching up on some work, as well as reflecting on this journey toward joy that I’ve been researching, reading up on, and reflecting over. I decided I feel a little bit like Lewis and Clark, exploring the West, and mapping as they traveled. So, as I sat in the Woody Creek Cafe, I grabbed a napkin and began to “map” where I’ve been, as well as where I thought I was heading. I probably got ahead of myself. Actually, I know I did. Yet, the map I created has had me a little antsy to move forward. Still, I find myself wandering about in the Valley of Sabbath. It’s a very large place, and the map I made, definitely needs to be revisited another time. In the meantime, I may be here a week or two more.

Last week I mentioned the giant named Fear, whom I ran into on my exploration. No more had I settled his argument with me, than I turned around to discover yet another giant. This one named Unbelief. I discovered he has no small number of offspring in the valley, as well. Here’s my story with Unbelief, and, for the record, if you have trouble truly “sabbathing” (Ok! I know this is not a word, but it works here), you may be in a wrestling match with Unbelief and not even know it. He’s a subtle giant.

For me, when I’m not speaking, Sunday is my Sabbath. I’ve chosen it to be my Day of Rest. I incorporate into Sunday, those things that help me to sabbath and to renew. Yet, I have also fallen into this pattern of doing things on my Sabbath afternoon that help me catch up, and even get ahead, for the new week. This happened just yesterday…again. It’s been a busy few weeks. Between travel, board meetings, being with our oldest daughter who just had surgery, some company, and a kazillion little things, I am BEHIND! So, when yesterday rolled around, and it was a free day, I began seriously considering what my “to do” list might look like for the day. I even sat down and created said list, which included this morning’s blog and ten more items. It seemed easier to sit down and do the work, than to Sabbath. 

Here’s the thing about subtle giants, like Unbelief: they are great at rationalizing and justifying. They don’t rant or rave, they just lie and guide you away from the goal. “If I get these things done today, tomorrow will be so much more doable,” I excused. “If I do this now, I’ll really be able to have peace of mind, and that will be my way to rest,” I reasoned. However, all the while, there was a still small voice saying, “If you are truly going to Sabbath, you need to trust my Sovereignty.” 

Seriously, Lord? What does marking a few things off my list have to do with your Sovereignty? Yet, that is what the Isaiah 58 passage I began with is all about. It’s a warning. Here it is again:

“If you keep your feet from breaking Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day; if you call Sabbath a delight, and the Lord’s day honorable; and if you honor it by not going your own way, and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, THEN YOU WILL FIND YOUR JOY IN THE LORD (emphasis mine), and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the land, and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob!” The mouth of the Lord has spoken.
Isaiah 58:13-14, NIV

It’s about not breaking Sabbath. It’s about not doing business as usual (“doing as you please”). It’s about trusting that God is bigger than this thing called “chronos” (ordered time), and wants us to enjoy “kairos” (an experience in time). Yet, I wasn’t trusting God to be God of my Chronos. I wasn’t taking Him at His Word for the promise that follows His specific directions regarding Sabbath. The sad part of all this is that this isn’t the first time. It’s a pattern of behavior, I have fallen into, regularly. Without realizing it, I had submitted to the giant of Unbelief.

The children of Israel fell into the same pattern of behavior. They submitted to Unbelief, as well. Have you read Hebrews, chapters 3 and 4, recently (I’ve attached a link for you, if you want to take a look). Here’s the gist. There is a Sabbath Rest for the people of God. It’s not just a suggestion, it’s a command. To disregard the command is (gulp) disobedience. To disregard the command prevents us from entering/experiencing that Rest. The more it is disregarded, the more the hearts of God’s people harden. The Lord says this, “So, we see that they were unable to enter because of Unbelief (3:19).” 

Sabbath isn’t a follow-the-rule-day. But God…He knows the hearts of His kids. We won’t truly Sabbath because trusting Him, even with little things, like time, is hard. We won’t Sabbath on our own. So, He gives us a day, and He asks us to take it. Taking it is a faith-stretching-opportunity to grow in restoration, and BELIEF...and joy!
That’s why this morning’s blog is late…but I’m better for it! I definitely woke up with a heart of joy!

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