Sabbath-joy. Ending last week’s blog entry with the Isaiah
verse, I’ve been running through other Scriptures trying to glean the fruit. To
repeat what I know already: when I honor
Sabbath, I will find joy
. Isaiah’s written words were first whispered to
him from the Spirit of God. I believe them.
Sabbath is not just an EVENT; it’s not just about CHURCH
(gasp). First, and foremost, Sabbath is
an attitude of the heart
.  Incline
your ear to Words the Lord spoke to Moses about Sabbath: 
the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your
work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall
not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your
female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates.
For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in
them, and rested (my emphasis) on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord
blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

From the beginning, God set in motion a plan. No, more than
a plan, an invitation to intermission
(Hebrew: sabat, where we get our word
“sabbatical”). It is a day to desist
from exertion, to cease the norm that is our workweek, and to put it all down
for one glorious day.  BUT! Sabbath isn’t
just a day of vacation; it is intentional in its purposes. Sabbath is for REST. SACRED REST. There’s a difference. To truly Sabbath, we quiet our souls in
order to be wholly present with God.

Here’s what I think (not that it matters). God in his
infinite, boundless energy didn’t need rest. Yet, He was also infinitely wise.
He knew His creation needed rest in order to function properly. So, he blessed the day
that followed His marvelous works of creation; and called it holy. Set apart. Sacred. A day to look over what He’d just accomplished during those six days and see the GOOD! His day of rest was for us to mimic: a day of rest and renewal! Rest for renewal! Remember how part of finding joy is to stop and pay attention, to sift through all our God holds out to us in His right hand? A day of Sabbath allows us the time to do just that…

 …and there’s more!

I love this part of the Isaiah verse that follows the Lord’s
command to Sabbath:
you will find your joy…and, I will cause you to ride in triumph and soar on
the heights of the earth…(Isaiah 58:14)
Isn’t that a
spectacular picture? I particularly like the soaring on the heights of the
earth. Can you imagine it? After recently reading a book on heaven, my husband
is convinced that when he arrives through those pearly gates, the Lord is going to let
him ride a pterodactyl. Now, that would be soaring on the heights; and, I
imagine he will never tire of it! A Sabbath experience in heaven! As I allowed
this to play out in my mind, I thought, “I think I could get addicted to that
kind of Sabbath experience.” My next thought, “Maybe that’s what the Lord wants
for us here on earth, to be addicted to Sabbath.” Real Sabbath. A God-ordained addiction!

Oh, sweet Lord, may I so
love, so honor, so delight in Sabbath, it becomes my addiction!

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