I woke up quite early this morning, turned my praise & worship station (Pandora) on quietly, and sat with coffee in hand, just soaking in the lyrics I was hearing. These were songs filled with declarations I needed to be reminded of before seeking what the Lord had for me as I began my day. They were words that brought me back to the cross, just as discussed last week, to that place where I was reminded of the mercy and grace of my Savior. Then, my mind started asking the “what if” questions:

What if there was no forgiveness for our sinful natures?

What if we had to live our lives eaten up by guilt; consumed by our own human failures?

What if there was no way to find freedom from the entrapments of sin?

What if there was no way to victory over the world, the flesh, or the wiles of the enemy?

What if there was no way to remove the darkness of our own depravity?

What if fault could find no bridge to reconciliation or redemption?

What if there was no mercy, and no role-model to exemplify it?

What if the rest of my life, I had to battle the lusts of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh, and the pride of my power-hungry-seeking self?

What if I had no Savior?

What if this life was all there would ever be; or worse, what if this life was the best my eternal existence would know?

What if there had been no cross; no resurrection?

So words like these settled into every crevice of my soul:

…Everyone needs forgiveness
the kindness of a Savior…the HOPE of nations…*

And, my heart resonated with this offer:
…So take me as you find me,
All my fears and failures…fill my life again…*

Sometimes we need to ask what-if-questions, if they will bring us back to the cross, in appreciation!

Lord, that you offer forgiveness in spite of:
-my desire for retribution, when You say, “Vengeance is mine…”
-my callousness and lack of love for others who mess up (and hurt me, or mine, in the midst of their failure), when you say, “Love your enemies; and, do good to those who speak evil of you; ALL of us sin and fall short of the glory of God, but I so loved the world that I gave…”
-my worrisome and anxious heart, when you say, “Do not be anxious, but…”
-I desire to control the way my life goes, when you say, “Let go…surrender!”
-I seek to please others, when you say, “…if you seek the pleasure of others, you are not a servant of God…”
– I lean on other things to “cope,” when you say “in all things give thanks; let prayers abound; and think on these things…”

Oh, sweet Lord, that mercy falls like rain! 
My chains are gone, and I’ve been set free..*

WHAT WORDS…..In spite of! 
= JOY!

Indeed, without the “what ifs” becoming “in spite of,” there would be no joy.

PS. I highly recommend turning on a praise and worship radio station, and just jotting down every meaningful line that resonates with your heart. Before you know it, the Lord Himself is whispering of His Amazing Grace and Love for you…

* Links to YouTube provided for each song…

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