He came once.
He IS coming again.
How does the bride of Christ properly prepare?
So far, I know three ways.

(…with my belief system – until I live in total expectancy and not just a “hope so” as in a “wish so” mentality)

Wake up! 
(Advent is missional – join the greatest team on earth, doing the greatest work every conceived)

Watch for the signs of His coming…learn the lesson of the fig tree & know when “summer is near.”

This week, I discovered a fourth:


Both wrestling and waking require one thing: remembering.

Remember, therefore….
Revelation 2:5

Remembering WHO Jesus is…
Remembering WHAT Jesus has done…
Remembering Jesus as the Victorious One in the midst of our Stories
(what a perfect way to combine the WHO & WHAT)…
Taking a good, hard, long look at Jesus
leads us to only one response…
the same one the Apostle John had as he turned and beheld his risen Savior…

When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as though dead. But He laid His right hand on me saying, “Fear not. I am the first and the last,  and the living one – I died, and behold I am alive forevermore…”
Revelation 1:17

In the middle of remembrance
is overwhelming awe.

In the midst of awe
is the crushing sense of Jesus’ power.

In the eye of His power
is the recognition of our smallness.

In the recognition of our impotence
is the comprehension of our great need.

All we can do is fall at His feet powerless in the face of power.

His response to John reassures me of what happens next:
“Fear not…”
His words flood my very being.
“I died for you.
No greater love has no man than this…
And, behold I am alive forevermore.
My love for you goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on….”

This great love 
great worship!

While we wait…
Wake up!

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