It is, isn’t it? From September to the end of December, the world feels magical. 
From trees changing colors to trees lit up with sparkly lights, the world seems filled with Possibility (yes, with a capital P!). 
From the giving-of-thanks to the giving-of-gifts, I sense an overwhelming hope of brighter tomorrows. 
It’s all because He came. 
Born as a babe in a manger….So.Many.Years.Ago!

Sunday began the Advent Season. 
A season of anticipation.
Of expectancy.
A season of PREPARATION for the Coming.
That’s what we do this time of year, or, rather, what we should be doing, focusing on the advent of the Christ-child and how that one historical fact, miraculously changed our lives.
Recently (as in the last week), my devotional readings have fallen in the book of Revelation. 
It’s perfect timing, actually.
I’m reminded from the get-go, Jesus is coming again!
He is. 
Not only is He coming again, but the time is near (Rev 1:3).
There is a fixed and definite moment, already pre-determined, for His arrival (kairos-time, not chronos-time).
That moment is soon to pass…
In reality, that word near, literally means “already on the way.
Jesus is on His way. 
Are we ready, Church?
Am I?
Nobody seemed prepared when Jesus came the first time.
So…will His church be ready when He comes SOON?
My question to myself was this: What does that look like?
How can I prepare to be prepared?
Until He comes…what to do? What to do?
In the middle of asking myself that question, another question popped into my head. 
A whisper.
A whisper so quiet, I wasn’t sure if I heard correctly?
However, just in case, I wrote it down in my journal: Do you really BELIEVE I’m coming again?
My immediate answer was, “Of course, I do!!!!!!!!”
I was adamant.
Until I took a pause.
Sucked in a deep breath.
Then, on the exhale, these words formed, “At least, I am wanting it to be so…”
There was the reality of my belief.
I wasn’t convinced.
I lived in a “wish-so-attitude” and not a “believe-it-for-sure” mindset.
Hence, a potential possible problem with the First Coming.
Is that the same mental state of those who were looking for the Messiah’s first arrival?

True belief lives with a HOPEFUL EXPECTANCY. 
That’s different than a WISHFUL THINKING.
True belief lives as if it’s so.
Wishful thinking lives as if there’s a possibility, but is uncertain and unconvinced.
There’s the place for us all to start.
It’s shifting the attitude of our minds from a “wishful thinking” to a “know-so-expectancy.”
It’s honestly answering the question: Do I really believe He is coming again?
Once the question is settled, that’s how I will live…
Ponder these words of TRUTH:
(Here’s a shameless advertisement if you’re looking for a devotional just for Advent. Click on the link here: I Dropped Baby Jesus.)

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