Love was born in a manger.

That’s the Christmas story, wrapped in swaddling clothes, easy to comprehend.
What’s difficult to understand about a baby? 
They come ready-made to love and be loved.
What’s difficult to wrap our minds around is the next thirty-three years. 
The road that led to the cross.
The road that Love walked. 
This is the same road that Love-followers are commissioned to walk.
Love one another,” Love commanded us (John 13:34-35; 15:12, 17).
This is our Advent duty.

I thought I understood love.
It’s “going the extra mile.”
It’s “turning the other cheek.”
It’s “out-doing one another in showing honor.”
It’s the living-out-practice of Paul’s poetic 1 Corinthians 13.

It’s more…
It’s living in tension.
It’s wrestling with loving between two extremes.
Love walks a tight-rope that’s not always easy…
in a place that comes between law and lawlessness…
This is our Advent Call, especially in these last days…

Because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold (Matthew 24:12)

But woe to you Pharisees (religious leaders)! For you tithe mint and rue and every herb, and neglect justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, but without neglecting the others 
(Luke 11:42)
Love shows up in the place in-between these two passages…
Somewhere smack dab in the middle, between lawlessness (letting someone do whatever suits their fancy) and too much law, is the road Love walks.
Right there, out of a heart of true worship (giving generously) and justice, is the love of God we are to reflect.

The road Love walks is just and generous. 
This is the tension!

Biblical Love always does what is RIGHT (law)…
BUT…Love doesn’t give place for lawlessness to reign, either.

Love is willing to pay the high cost of sacrifice given…
in such a way that others are always benefitted.
That means that Love isn’t always fair,
Love doesn’t indulge,
doesn’t give free reign,
doesn’t pamper…
Love is always for the good of those with whom we do life.

To truly live out Love, we live in the tension of this question:
What is the most helpful action I can truly take that is “for” you?
What benefits you most?
What is the RIGHT/JUST action to take on your behalf?

Those are often hard questions to answer!
Even harder is the doing of love…

That’s why Love sometimes turns over tables.

Living in this tension is highly reminiscent of the Prophet Micah’s words:

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what the Lord requires of you: to do justice, to love being kind to others, and to live humbly, obeying your God.
(Micah 6:8)

Until He Comes: Walk in Love!

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