Wake up!
That seemed to be the first two-word-call I received.
I want to be prepared for my Lord’s next coming…
So, I asked – How?
Then, I heard it,
“Wake up!’

Ever been in that place of semi-comatose unconsciousness?
It often comes for me just before my eyes fully open to the morning light.
I know it’s time to wake up, but I just can’t seem to get my eyes, or my brain, to co-operate.
A great word for this state is “torpor.”

It really is a wonderful place.
I just want to snuggle under and stay there forever (especially when it’s cold outside and I have my polar fleece sheets on the bed).

That’s about when reality hits.
The list of the day’s activities ahead of me starts running like a little litany through my brain.
Chores, activities, errands, places to be.
This is no time for inactivity and lethargy.
“Wake up!”

As I’ve read through Revelation, I’ve seen those words from the Spirit of the Lord quite often.
It’s His call to the church waiting for Jesus’ second advent.
“Wake up!”
It’s not a physical awakening.
It’s a spiritual one.
He’s reminding us that it’s not time to snuggle under and get cozy.
There’s much to be done before His coming.

We are to be His instruments.
His hands.
His feet.
His mouthpiece.
His ears.
His heart of compassion.

“Wake up!”
“Arise and shine for the LIGHT has come”…and is to come again!

Get out of your lethargic torpor,
“Be witnesses…” (Acts 1:8)

“Go…and make disciples…” (Matthew 28:18-20)

“Live in peace…”

“Love one another…”

“Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good…”

“Show hospitality…”

“Rejoice in hope…”

“Be patient in tribulation…”

“Serve the Lord…”
(Romans 12:9-13)

That’s just a few suggestions on the list the Lord provides for how we can be an ever present-Jesus in a weary world.

As we prepare for the Advent of our Lord…our first call is to action!
Advent is missional…


We are to be an instrument in the REDEEMER’S HANDS…

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