Every so often, in that place between sound asleep and wide awake, I seem to be more sensitive to hearing the whispers of God’s words. Up first on my agenda this morning was to move on down the “road to joy.” I’ve been deeply convicted about the place of the cross in our lives as it compares to a heart filled with joy. That is, also, where I studied all week. HOWEVER, the words that seemed to scroll across my brain as I moved out of slumber were these: the way of the Lord is perfect. 

The words resonated; and, they sounded very much like something the Lord would say. So, I went to look them up for reference. I found them here in 2 Samuel 22:31-32:

The word translated as blameless also means perfect, without defect, complete, or full. A great prescription for joy, especially when you add it to the verses that were highlighted last week.

So, here I camp this morning, and here’s why I think they are, personally, important. Part of our plan to spend a few weeks in Phoenix this winter, besides board meetings and flying out of a city not buried in snow, was to visit the same doctors we’ve had for years (since Phoenix Suns days). It’s just nice to be with docs who know your history, particularly for Bay. The result of his visit brought about a couple minor surgeries for basal cell carcinoma, and three days in a Holter Monitor, after a stress test indicated some possible aortic valve issues. Every now and then, my sweet husband’s heart acts up. He’s had an arrhythmia, detected way back when, but once in a while his heart kicks into a higher gear, sometimes lasting hours. Hence the Holter…which showed nothing, because over those days he wore it, his heart acted completely normal. Of course. So, home we came. AND WOULDN’T YOU KNOW IT, the night we arrive home, it happened. While trying to sleep, his heart ran a race. So why then, not when we wanted it to do so?

This God, His way is perfect… Even in this, God’s plans for our lives are precisely accurate, and we can trust His ways. This was just a small reminder to us that He makes no mistakes. Maybe it’s time to find a closer doctor? Maybe it’s time to cancel a few events and make time to get this figured out? We’re seeking those answers. The point is, every one of us on this journey called life, asks “why” from time to time. I confess! I am a why-asker. There’s nothing wrong with it, as long as it doesn’t interfere with my trust. Asking questions, helps us when the road isn’t as clear as the one in the picture below. Asking questions, diving into God’s truth (His roadmap) and evaluating the WORD as a part each of life’s circumstances, gives us a clearer map of His spotless way. 

His way is perfect…through every storm, through every shade of trial, uphill, through valleys, when the way is fraught with fog and we can’t see, or understand.

His way is perfect...and sometimes I transgress that way when I put “life” in my own hands, but picking up God’s Word will always lead me back.

His way is perfect…and on that way, I am assured of two things:
1) He will shield me. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him. I may not experience a physical protection, but He is certainly promising He will be a soul-refuge in the midst of the journey (so much more important). As well, He promises, He will always deflect away that which will not better me in the process of looking like Jesus (Romans 8:28-29).

2) He will provide a firm foundation. He is a rock! He will steady me* along the way when things seem crazy and out of control, spinning and rocking. When my world experiences a soul-quake (kind of like an earthquake, but in my heart, instead), He will be unchanging, undeniably immovable, a place to find that firm footing in the middle of EVERYTHING.

His way is perfect!


*link to a “Steady Me” by Kari Jobe – a favorite!


Then there’s this:

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