It’s meant to be a season-of-Sabbath, of sorts.
A follower-of-Jesus-Reset.
A time to take a deep, cleansing, Spiritual breath and get back to Biblical basics.
The Early Church Fathers saw it as a time to prepare the soul for Resurrection Sunday and great Celebration.
We celebrate Easter because we’ve taken a Sabbath-Rest:
To Remember.
To Examine.
To Reflect (Look Within).
To Respond (Look Without).
It’s a time to Seek Jesus.
Spend quality Jesus-time.
Then, Spur one-another on with love and good deeds…to BE JESUS.
It’s a time to remind ourselves from where we’ve come.
To remember the gulf of our lostness.
To reflect on what life could have been if we’d never been found.
To consider the desperation of our spiritual separation.
It’s time to ask ourselves “What has happened to my first love?” 
“Is there something I care about more than Jesus?” 
“What worldly things distract me from Him?” 
Then, to do something about those things…
Put them in their place.
Cast them back at the feet of Jesus.
After all, the earth is His Footstool.
Lent is a season to focus on the Lord’s sacrifice.
Participate in it. 
Comprehend it anew.
Be thankful again.
Thanksgiving always turns into Generosity.
There’s a renewed want-to to give back.
This is a season for finding ways to be Jesus-with-skin-on…to be Kindness-Personified.
My challenge this morning: 
Go and Do Likewise. 

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