I was driving home from Durango yesterday, running errands, and getting a little start on Christmas.

I am a late starter this year. Normally, I’ve done all my shopping, and gift preparations, by Thanksgiving.

I tend to be an over-achiever; but, not this year.

I flipped on a Christmas-music-playing radio station to do a little sing-a-long, while nobody could hear the flat and sharp notes that proceed from my mouth, no matter how hard I try…

From Jingle Bells to I’ll Be Home for Christmas, the crooning put me in a nostalgic mood.

I sat up a little straighter, and paid a little more attention, when O Holy Night sounded in the speakers.

I heard the words a little differently this year.

Perhaps because I’m winding down my study on HOPE.

It’s been a whole year of study.

And those of you who are loyal to read each week have probably grown weary of my ramblings.

But pay attention, one last time – these words – chills ran up and down my spine:

“The thrill of HOPE, the weary world rejoices…
For yonder breaks a new and GLORIOUS day.
Fall on your knees…”



The Word-Made-Flesh.

The Light of the World, in whom there was no darkness.

The Good Shepherd.

Creator of the Universe.


Yes, the world should rejoice…and, we should fall on our knees.

That would be an appropriate response to God, The Thrill of Hope.

We have a Savior.

A bridge into eternity.



Many of us need to be reminded of that during the holiday season.

What a way to close out a year of hope-learning.

And as I do, I’d like to just leave you with a few Haiku to reflect on over the Holy-day Season.

These are just a few written by women from the retreat in Cyprus, who summarized HOPE for me as we wound down our lovely time together. What a nice way to reflect on Jesus, review the past year, and


I’m looking forward
Jesus Christ, He is my HOPE
Singing, joyfully

Knowing and resting
Anchored in hope is my soul
Wait with confidence

God works in our lives
We were called for a purpose
Remember His love

Hope in God secure
His promises will endure
Praise and worship sure

Dark clouds chasing me
Trying to outrun the storm
Safe harbor, Set anchor

Waiting on the Lord
Is painful and difficult
Joy is the outcome
Gentle tears fall down
Praises fill our hearts with hope
The name of Jesus

God unchangeable
Gives us a sanctuary
In the midst of storms

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