Recently, after a debate on the  pro’s and con’s of social media, I was asked why I decided to write a blog.  Good question.  With all the research that I’ve seen lately
on the effects of social media, maybe it’s time to seriously consider the
answer to that one.  It’s true, isn’t it,
that frequently visiting  Facebook,
Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and the large number of creative blog sites on
the Internet, often leaves us in a state of discontent?  Seriously! 
I tend to visit these sites when I have down time, when life is on hold,
when nothing of interest is happening… 
Most of us do, of course. 
However, it only takes one cute craft, or home décor, or new recipe, or
intriguing status, or perfect picture of somebody on their amazing trip to
Rome, or upbeat blog to leave me in a state of envy, or worse, momentarily dissatisfied with my life.  Face it, in a world where
performance and perfection are heralded as king and queen, social outlets give
us all an opportunity to create a persona that is air-brushed and unreal.  In turn, relationships become masked, and I
easily hide behind a newly created identity. 
The issues of life deepen when I compare myself to someone else’s
presentation of their world.  Comparison
is always the chief thief of joy. 
So, at the end of the day, I not only still fall short of performance
and perfection, I’m in despair.  (Keep in
mind, this is not all the time…but it does happen.)

So, I’ve asked myself the question, “Just why am I doing
this…REALLY?”  Possible answers that
came to me are:
  • I want a small voice in a big world.

  • I’m desirous of significance, a pat on the back, a “like,” or an affirmative comment (OK…let’s call it what it is…pride).
  • I feel compelled to share what I’m learning about life, and hope that others relate, and a message of hope is created. I want a purpose beyond myself.
  • My passion is Jesus & re-presenting His truth.
  • It’s a way to organize my jumbled thoughts in a journaling journey.
At one time or another, all of these are true.  At times, it is just what it is…a way to
stay connected, to share my journey, and at the same time to have a purpose
that’s beyond me by having a Jesus-voice.  Years ago, when I started a weekly devotional thought (back when I first
came to ACU there was no such thing as a “blog” and I taped these thoughts on
the doors of the girls in the residence hall), my hope was to have a vehicle
for messages from Jesus, a truth on which to reflect…a spiritual kick-start for the week.  My life isn’t perfect – I have a whole lot to
learn, even still – I just wanted those who read (past and present tense) to
know they don’t have to be perfect either…we’re just on a messy journey
together toward completion, and sharing our stories is a way to encourage each
other to lean harder into the one who will accomplish that in us.

When we were leaving Kenya (wow, that was a long time ago, now), God illuminated a verse for me with blinking
lights and issued me a personal calling.
This verse is found in Romans 9:17 (an odd verse, because it was
referring to the not-so-spiritual Pharaoh of Egypt):
  For this purpose I raised you up, to demonstrate my
power in you, and that my name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.
  Indeed, nail scarred hands once “raised me up”
and turned me, the mess, into a vessel of honor, in order to be a demonstration
of his power perfected in weakness, a mouth piece proclaiming his name…
That’s my hopeful answer to the blog question (or social
media in general).  I want to simply be
about my calling, using whatever medium is available.  While I will fight the same temptations that
come with this territory, my desire is to simply follow where led, prayerfully
examining my life, reviewing the lessons God is teaching me, and sharing when
…BUT, never compromising the call.

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