My God will fight for me, I have
only to be silent (Exodus 14:14).
Some time back I sat under excellent teaching through the
book of Colossians.  One sermon has had
me pondering a “thought” ever since – the focus of which was forgiveness.  To open the message, the pastor shared a
story, which I will quickly repeat.
A man was bitten by a rabid dog and, naturally, sent to the
hospital for treatment.  Unfortunately,
the bite was too severe, and nothing could be done to cure the man.  So, the doctor went to his bedside to deliver
the bad news.  “I’m so terribly sorry,
but there is nothing we can do for you. 
You are terminal.  In the few
remaining lucid days you will have, you might want to consider getting your
affairs in order, writing your will, calling in family, etc.”  As the doctor departed, the gentleman in the
bed reflected on the words heard, and pulling out a piece of paper, began
scribbling as fast as he could.  He was
still writing when the doctor returned several minutes later.  “I see you are taking quite seriously the
encouragement to get your affairs in order. Writing your will, are you?”  “No,” replied the sick man.  “Making a list of everyone I want to bite
before I die.”
According to biblical principles, we, as Christians know
that revenge is really not sweet,
contrary to popular opinion.  Jesus
spells it out clearly in Matthew 18 the importance of forgiveness, then went on
to model it for us from the cross.  Paul
gives us strong words in Ephesians 4:32, “And be kind to one another,
tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven
  These are words we know…words that
are sometimes hard to do.  Necessary, but
often difficult.
Yet, that’s not the direction my mind went following the sermon.  I listened carefully. I walked through the
ending exercise given the congregation, but my brain (as is often the case)
went down an entirely different road. 
The question I asked myself was this, “Whose lists would I be on?”  I sat with that question for a bit, and it
definitely didn’t take too long for some names to pop in my mind. 
That breaks my heart. 
The truth is that even though I’m still on some lists, I believe I’ve
followed correct biblical procedure to seek reconciliation.  That morning, I searched my heart for
anything else I might do to bring about restoration.  Just as hard as it is to forgive, it’s almost
as difficult to be on the other side – wanting the forgiveness, but not able to
receive it.  Ever been there?  So, what do you do in the meantime, because
you can’t live your life painfully waiting for what might not happen?  It can eat us alive, internally, or we can
take God’s approach.  Here are some
things the Lord reminded me –
1.   Bless those who persecute you and pray for those
who are spiteful against you (even this is a form of persecution).  So, for those whose lists I know I am on, I
have written out a prayer of blessing. 
Whenever their name pops into my thoughts, I add to the prayer written
in my journal.
2.  Seek mercy, love justice, and walk humbly with
God.  I asked again, is there any
opportunity to seek mercy, even still, and request what I might do to humbly satisfy
the debt?
3.  Be silent. 
I don’t need to talk to or about; I don’t need to defend or fight on my
own behalf.  I simply need to let go and
watch for God to intervene.
4.  Return to an attitude of praise.  When the thing I want to do most is fight on
my behalf, I remember how Jehoshaphat was led into battle – praising God.  
Praising and blessing do the most for turning
something the enemy would want to devastate us with into glory and honor and
peace that passes all understanding.

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