
It can be disrupted by so many, many things.

Last week, I mentioned this “biggie,” which is true, not just for me, but for, oh-so-many people:


Busyness is a big one, because it leads to stress.

Chinese Word for “busy” is comprised of two symbols – Heart and Death – when we are too busy we put our hearts at serious risk…

Stress leads to physical pressure, emotional pressure, and, sooner-than-we-realize-it, spiritual deadness (see the small writing under the picture above).

Worry fills our thoughts.

Sleeplessness fights the night;

And rest is no where to be found…

…and, Jesus?

Well, there’s just no time for Him! Absolutely, no room in the inn…

There are other things that unsettle me, as well, with the same results.

As a mom and nana, I carry the hurts, the struggles, the concerns, the questions, and the potential dangers of my children’s lives and that of my grand-treasures. That invisible umbilical cord is long and far reaching.

As a servant, speaker, writer I’ve had to learn to get over people-pleasing (but, the truth is that it still upsets-the-apple-cart-of-my-heart when I think someone doesn’t like me…).

Don’t even get me started on the current political situation…and, while I don’t (where the re-occuring, never-ending battle between democrats and republicans is concerned), I’d just as soon turn off the news and throw out the television. I’m just so OVER IT!

As a counselor, a mentor, a friend…well, life is just HARD for so many…and fix it? I can’t…couldn’t…wouldn’t if I could…but, it doesn’t mean that I don’t find myself troubled for these dear folks! I do!!!

Of course, there’s always that foggy unknown that clouds my vision of tomorrow…and the fear of what’s around the bend…how do the next days, months, years, of my story unravel? Will I like it? Will it be hard?

It all adds up; and, it’s no wonder that followers of Jesus are overcome, overwhelmed, overstressed, out-numbered by problems, and lack PEACE.

Even though Jesus said He would leave us with His peace (John 14:27).

Even though He left us with a directive: In this world, you will have problems, but be of good-cheer, take heart, I have overcome the world…and in me you will have…PEACE (John 16:33).

Even though the gospel of Jesus is itself “good news of peace (Acts 10:36).”

Even though the Apostle Paul admonishes nearly every church he wrote to “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…(Col. 3:15).”

All those things listed above have assaulted me with the beginning of the New Year in one way or the other.

I have had a few sleepless nights (ok, many).

So, it’s been a good time to dig into peace…

To make peace my prayer focus.


This month’s prayer has been:

Oh, God of Peace,
Teach me to live in peace when the world around me seems to be in pieces…
Conform my troubled heart
To  match Your heart of peace.
For this is Your Will for me in Christ Jesus.

We already know (as followers of Jesus) how critical living in peace is, because it’s a testimony to the Great God we serve.

So of course, the enemy is going to fight us in that area.

And, we will need to do battle time and time again to reclaim our peace-of-heart (peace-of-mind)…

Last week, I mentioned my first find: Understanding (believing and receiving) Grace!

Then, I bumped into these words from God through the Sage of Proverbs (Solomon):

My (daughter) son, be attentive to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
Let them not escape from your sight;
Keep them within your heart.
For they are life to those who find them,
and healing to all…
Prov 4:20-22

This isn’t a new teaching:

We are desperately needy for God-Words.

Sometimes hearing old truth, through new ways and different passages, resonates a little differently in the heart.

I’ve rephrased these verses (Peg’s Paraphrase).

________________ (put your name there): 
Pay attention, lean close, look ME in the eyes, and don’t just hear what I am saying:  LISTEN! 
Let my words resonate in your brain, over and over and over…
Write them out, keep them where you can see them – on your wall, your mirror, your computer screen, in your journal, on pieces of paper in your pocket.
Repeat them to yourself throughout the day.
Preach them to yourself throughout the day.
These words of Mine are REVIVING and HEALING…
They bring peace,
steadfast courage

Yes, we desperately need God-Words.
They are oxygen to the soul.

However, to get God-Words…
We, also, need sit-time
…and, a sit-place!
Then, stay PRESENT & ENGAGED, until His Words reach your heart.

So here was this week’s challenge from God to Me:
Create a consistent sit-time…
…and, a sit-place…
…and STAY for a spell!

When intentional, God assured me,
“I will meet you there,
with MY Words for your troubled soul.”

Take up this challenge for yourself…

Lean in.
Hear His Words for your heart.
Keep them ever near.
And, oh yes,
respond as the Spirit leads.

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