Some mornings, I just wanna shout, “Whoop!”

Some mornings, I just quietly whisper, “Wow!”

This morning, I was somewhere between a Whoop and a Wow…maybe, more of a “Whoa!”

I never ceased to be amazed when the Lord speaks.


Last night, I received an invitation to speak at a women’s retreat in the fall.

I was given the theme and the theme verse.

I decided to sleep on the invite, pray about it in the morning, and respond as I felt I had a definite answer.

This morning, I picked up my Bible where I left off yesterday…Psalm 23 was on the menu as the bread-of-the-day.

Interesting, because I had just finished writing last Thursday’s blog on the Good Shepherd.

(Obviously, I am writing this particular entry earlier than normal.)

But, right there in the middle of Psalm 23 was a further teaching. I just hadn’t picked up on it quite like I saw it this morning.

The added bonus was that it fits the theme, and the theme passage I was given for the retreat in September (a little more study, reflection, and it’s a new message fitting for those women…………..and a confirmation of “Yes,” say “Yes” to the invitation.)

Today’s thought centers on two verses in Psalm 23 (4 & 5):

Even though I will walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; Your rod and staff will comfort me. You prepare a table before me, even in the presence of my enemies…

This passage selection is an excellent exclamation point on the last two blog posts.

God’s Paths of Righteousness (His sheep paths) are always the best…

Yes, sometimes they lead through wilderness…

Sometimes, through the Valley of Achor…through the Valley of Trouble….

Sometimes, the paths are in the barrenness and leanness of dry season with little grass to feed on…

Sometimes, through the darkest of valleys…

Sometimes, right through enemy territory…

Evil wants to suck me in…

…intimidate my soul…

…dim the light of Christ in me…**

…bring me low….**

But, right here!

In this place!

The Lord sets up a table.

He prepares a meal.

And, His intention?

To celebrate!

He doesn’t wait to bring us through the valley.

He doesn’t wait until He has brought us into that spacious place of promise.


In the middle of it all – He wants to throw a feast of celebration; a party!


In the middle of the trouble –  the Lord wants us to find cause for rejoicing…

And, there is just cause!

If for no other reason –

He is ever-present with us!

But, there is more:

It is the desire of the EVER-PRESENT, NEVER-LEAVE-US Shepherd to feed us full to overflowing:

– full of faith

– full of the Spirit

-full of the Word of Truth

-full of Grace

-full of the glory of Christ in me

What a Lenten Reflection – I pray it stirs your soul as it has mine….
and, as a result,
makes you:

 “BOLD and BRAVE in the face of your adversary,
treading down his temptations,
resisting his schemings,
renouncing the world,
and valiant for truth.
May it deepen a sense of your Holy Relationship with the Lord,
as your Spiritual bridegroom,
as your Good Shepherd,
as the Sinner’s Friend.”
(from a prayer in Valley of Vision)

Because remember this:

His steadfast love and good mercy will hem you in all the days of your lives!


** Just a side note:  

As I wrote those words, I was reminded of another little “thought,” for whatever it is worth.

It’s about Samson and Delilah.

I know you know, names in the Bible are significant (and, remember last week: our Shepherd knows us by name, even if He were blindfolded!).

Often, but not always, names in Scripture are an indication of character; or of destiny; perhaps, even spiritual legacy.

In this case, the names of Samson and Delilah tell us a story.

Samson means “Light of the Sun.”

God intended for this young Nazarite man to be His light in the dark world of the Judges.

Delilah, however, means “to lower, to dim, to make feeble, dry up, make thin, look weakly…”

Never was the name of two people more prophetic…

To the last little jot and tittle, Delilah dimmed the light of the sun (GOD) in Samson, dried him up, thinned him down, and caused his eye sight to be stripped away.

In the dark valleys, I pray, we not let the “Delilah’s of our lives” do the same to the “Samson” in us…

So REJOICE in the Valley of Trouble…
Feast at the Table Prepared for You…
and be THANKFUL!

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