Be anxious in nothing, but in everything, by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace that
passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Phil.4:6-7)
that passes all understanding.  Peace as opposed to anxiety.  Peace vs. worry.  Peace when everything sCreAMs that no
peace is possible.  Peace that no one watching from the outside can comprehend.  Doesn’t that sound desirable?  I want that brand of peace!  I really do! 
Typically, my initial reaction (especially when I start living in the what ifs, or the maybes, and even the what thens”) is worry.  I dont want to go there, but sometimes its hard for me to get out of my
brain.  Ever have that problem?  Stuff of which worry is made cycles around
and around and around, until it forms this whirlwind that unless stopped
becomes a destructive tornado. 
peace isnt
some esoteric, abstract emotion.  Its absolutely attainable. There
is a way to stop the cycle. There is a door of escape in the brain. Pauls key:  Prayer with
brings peace unexplainable. 
The sage
of Proverbs tells us the same thing. 
All the days of
the afflicted are wretched, but a cheerful heart has a continual feast.
Proverbs 15:15.
Heres what I learned as I looked
further into the passage (Pegs Paraphrase).  Those who have an unhealthy mindset will
always cycle in wretchedness, but those who look for what is good, seek beauty,
and discover the pleasing things in life, will find a banquet of delight. 
As we dig deeply into our life, we find
great good, incredible beauty, and amazingly pleasant pieces for which to be
The cure
to anxiety and worry:  prayer that begins
with thanksgiving.

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