He who was delivered up because of
our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification. Romans 4:25.

With Easter just a couple weeks away, this is a notable verse
for the season!  After a huge discourse
on the theology of reckoning, Paul whips out some “Twitter” worthy words.  The whole compound sentence capstones the
miraculous, but there is just one word that thrills my soul: because.

There it sits in two places, this word, because
first, followed by a picture of that sin-ugly, sin-black creature of
Romans 1, 2, 3:  me.

Of me.  
On my account.

Because – followed, next, by the only list
that really matters, the one that says “Bad I’ve Been Involved In”, also known as “transgressions”… 

Because  – those transgressions (mine) put
Jesus (the He  of Romans 4:25) on the cross on Good Friday.

Because – now, written across that chart
of accounts are these words:

Debt Cancelled.

Because – my justification, my Debt
 (somewhere down the road 2000,
and some, years later) powered Jesus up from the grave on Resurrection Sunday.

 BECAUSE.  Isn’t it just the
best Easter word EVER WRITTEN!?!

Consider how impactful that one word is…and
rejoice in His Resurrection! 
BECAUSE…you are this

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