Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus…
(Hebrews 12:1-2a)
A story is an amazing tool. Through stories we connect with one another, networking through the heart. We all relate to a good story; and the beauty of a story is that no one can argue with it.  However, your story should not stay hidden with you. It is meant to be told in the safety of true community. Through your story, we get to know who you are…and, together build “koinonia” (healthy fellowship that encourages and spurs us on in our journey).

Experts tell us that there are several elements to creating a good story:
1) Passion – the more passionate we are, the more authentic we are. The more vulnerable, the more we relate.
2) Struggle – A story isn’t worth telling unless there is a hero who is up against something. If there’s nothing at stake, there is no story.
3) “Aha” Moment – this is the moment when a new truth is realized; every great story has a life-lesson.
4) Transformation – as the story ends, something or someone has changed (usually for the better).

When Jesus is a part of our life, there’s always a story to tell. These are the best stories, because they are the ones where the God of the Universe stoops down to make us great (Psalm 18:35). These are the best stories, because they are the building blocks of the Kingdom of God; and that is why we are here – to build a Kingdom for God’s glory (Isaiah 43:7).

Scripture is full of good stories. Over the course of the next few weeks, let’s take a look together at some of the women in the Word that we might relate to, hear their struggles, relate to their hearts, and learn from their “aha” moments. Perhaps, we’ll notice, over time, that not only were they transformed, but little by little, God will be transforming us, as well. This then, is my prayer that we begin to see ourselves in process of becoming passionate, sold-out, followers of Jesus Christ.

So, we begin this chapter of sharing our stories together. Each Monday, a new “thought” will be posted – you may receive them through different means, but you are all invited to share “Christ-in-you-the-hope-of-glory” with one another.

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