I’d already written last
week’s blog, already had processed and determined to de-clutter my mouth with a
little spring cleaning, when I sat down in my favorite chair, Bible in my lap,
journal open.  I was ready to hear from
the Lord.  Well, in all honesty, I was
ready to move on and be introduced to a new topic.  The topic I’d just unpacked had left a little
sore spot in my heart.  Yes, my pride was
bruised a bit.  However, it seemed the
Lord wasn’t quite finished with me yet, and determined not to beat around the
bush in taking the matter a step further. 
As, I turned to the first few
verses of Matthew 17, I was immediately caught up in the scene, and imagining
the scenario:  a handful of disciples,
Jesus, Moses & Elijah.  The story we
commonly call The Transfiguration.  It’s
an important story as we journey through Lent toward the cross and the
resurrection.  By now, the disciples know
Jesus is certainly the Messiah – his miracles attested to that fact, and
Peter’s declaration had not been denied. 
It was undeniable that Jesus was preparing them for his imminent
death.  He’d been talking about it, but
the men just couldn’t quite wrap their minds around it.  Then Jesus takes them to a mountain, where
his whole being transformed in front of them, and he fully engaged in a
conversation with Moses and Elijah. 
In my mind, I’m thinking,
what an honor to be present for such an occasion!  Yet one more affirmation of WHO Jesus really
was.  I’m thinking to myself, yes,
honored, but more, humbled…and
!  I’m thinking that at
that moment, I’d have been OK with an awkward silence (maybe for the first time
in my life).  I’m thinking it would have
been difficult to stand in the presence of such greatness!  I’m seeing myself on my face in the dirt.
BUT NOT PETER!  For some reason, Peter filled the moment with
his classic impulsivity.  I’m sure it was
well-meaning, “Let’s build three churches right here: The Church of Moses, The
Church of Elijah, The Church of Jesus, Messiah!”  Now, I’m wondering, would that have been
me?  What would I have done…………really?  My typical pattern is to let nervousness
speak up.  Like Peter, when I allow my un-comfortableness
room to talk, it pretty much doesn’t make sense either.  I ramble, too.  I could have easily said something equally as
clumsy.  Even in the midst of greatness, I would have probably not had the sense
to be silent.
 That was a sad
indictment. Sad, but true.
As I read on, I found myself
laughing, because where could Peter go next?  With that suggestion, he’d put himself out on
a limb… Ah, but from heaven, God-the-Father saved the day, and rescued Peter
(in other words, the Heavenly Father interrupted him before he could hang himself on said limb)!
  “Yes, this is
my Son; I love Him greatly!  I am well
pleased with Him.  Stop talking
(implied), and listen to Him!”
 (Internally, I think God-the-Father is
chuckling as He says this.  After all, He
created those of us like Peter, so we don’t surprise Him…)
The question (and multiple
suggestions) has bounced around since that moment, “Why The
Transfiguration?”   Was this for Jesus
sake?  Did Moses and Elijah come to
encourage him as he marched solemnly toward Calvary?  Did they come to bring words of love,
affirmation, and assurance from heaven? 
Was it for the disciples?  Was it
meant to be a mile marker of hope to be remembered during the upcoming events
of the Easter season?  My answer is to
shrug my shoulders. 

I do think this:  In the big picture amidst everything else,
what should be remembered are the Father’s words.  There are, simply, times to stop talking, in
order to listen to the voice of the One Who Matters.  He is deserving of our ear…and our focused
silence.  Even in my so-called quiet times, I am busy talking, building churches (metaphorically), or trying to put words in God’s mouth for Him.  Oh, may I learn to stop talking so that I can just hear Him!  He is the Father’s beloved son, well-pleasing, why would I want to hear my voice instead of His?

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