In one week, here in the US, we will celebrate Thanksgiving.

It is one of my favorite holidays, mostly because it isn’t quite as commercialized as others, but also because it reminds me of how lavishly the Lord has poured out blessings upon me.

Is my life perfect?

Of course not!

But, I am deeply grateful for the life He’s given me.

So, the following verses ring in my ears this morning as I settle down to post this blog:  

O come, sing to the Lord; 

let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our Salvation.
Ps. 95:1

Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth,
break forth into joyous song, and sing His praises…
Ps. 98:4

Make a joyful noise to the Lord all the earth…
Ps. 100:1

There are four common words in each of those three verses above.
I know you picked up on it immediately (I did offer a little help)…
Those words are exactly why I chose these particular passages.


This next week, we set aside time to express our gratitude to our good, gracious, and gift-giving God.
It’s time to sing His praises for our many blessings.
It is time to make a joyful noise.
Literally, the words mean “to split the ears because of joy.”
Or…”to raise a sound, a shout…to applaud.” Kind of like we do at sporting events (hmmmmmm…..).

We all know the back-story of Thanksgiving.

We read in every history book that in 1621, the Indians and the surviving Pilgrims, met together to celebrate a meal together, giving thanks for the Lord’s gracious harvest. It was a turning point. The successful corn harvest meant a better winter ahead…a future and a hope.

In 1863, in the midst of the brutal Civil War, President Lincoln institutionalized a day for us to set aside and forget hardship, come together, and focus on that which reminds us we have much to be grateful.

It’s as fitting, and as needed today, for our country to come together in Thankful-Solidarity, as in 1863! 

  • Nothing ushers us into God’s presence like giving of thanks (Psalm 100:4).
  • Nothing drives out complaining and arguing and bitterness of spirit as the expression of gratitude.
  • Nothing gets our minds off of self, and our struggles, as focusing on the litany of blessings bestowed on us.
  • Nothing counteracts self-pity, and yes, even depression, when we are overwhelmed with the goodness in our lives.

So! Pay! Attention!
Make a list.
Write it out.

This week……Let your thankful-list visibly wash over you…we all have much to be grateful for…

Allow me to jump start you with the first things on my list: 

I have a Great and Mighty God who is FOR ME…
He allows me to know Him personally…
He calls me His precious possession…His treasure…His child…His bride…His church…His sheep…His beloved.
His great, sacrificial love for me is steadfast…
His faithfulness is enduring…
His plan for my future is beyond belief (not for calamity, but for a future with HOPE)…

My salvation is secured…
My home in heaven reserved…for eternity!

Why does He offer all this?

Because I am so good?

No…because He is so good!!!

Now, after writing a list, join me in making a joyful noise.

Split the ears of everyone around you…

Stand up and applaud Him…

Give our God an encore…

Let Him know you’re excited for more of Him…

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