He HAS risen!

What a blessed morning.

My heart is full.

Earth exploded on this morning so many years ago, as Jesus burst forth from the tomb.

The cross was not the end all.

A tomb wouldn’t hold Him back…

…and death could not contain Him.

This morning, as the sun rose, I re-read the Easter story.

It takes my breath away each time.

Reading, I enter into the scene, picture myself there.

Just one of the grief stricken, heart broken women coming to anoint my Lord.

I was one of those “who’d been forgiven much”…and, oh, how I loved Him!

These WORDS, this morning, stop me in my tracks.

Open my eyes.

Hold my tongue.

Why do you seek the LIVING among the DEAD?
(Luke 24:5)


Because HE DIED!

Why else would I be at a grave?

But, put to rest, any question of doubt.

Jesus is ALIVE!

Moreover,  this is also true:

A grave will not hold me.

Death will not claim me.

I am more than a conqueror, because of Christ Jesus, my Lord!

When all is said and done, do not seek the living among the dead – for I will not be there!

Thanks be to Jesus Christ!

PS. And one more thing —–

Rest assured.

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