I’ve loved the song “Even So Come” since I first heard it played on my SiriusXM Station in the car. However, these words, “…like a bride waiting for her groom, we’ll be a church ready for you…,” have caused me question each time I’ve heard it. Are we really ready, church? Am I? 

Some of the grand-treasures were here over the weekend for a birthday celebration. What a great gathering as the truth of my little sign played itself out time and time again!

I hardly saw the kids on one of their devices, as they played hard outside, swimming in the new pond, building forts at the back of the property “in the woods,” and, some of the littles even playing Hide and Go Seek. It’s a timeless game. My sister-in-laws grand-daughter found the best hiding place, and I wasn’t sure if the other girls would ever find her. She must have gotten a little skeptical, as well, because I finally heard her little giggle-voice coming from behind Bay’s clothes in his closet, and, voila(!), she was found. The point of the game is mostly about being found. However, you’ll not get the opportunity to be found, if you’re not READY when the “seeker” calls out, “Ready or not, here I come!”

Jesus will one day say those words, “Ready or not, here I come…” However, His heart beat is that we BE READY. It’s why He often told his disciples they wouldn’t know the hour, but His return would be like a thief in the night, so they should be WATCHFUL. Staying awake and watchful is part of being ready for the bride who is waiting for her groom…  Jesus’ return is not just about the lost being found, it’s about the found being prepared, as well!

With that said, here’s part of the definition of “Ready.”

1. poised for action
2. to make suitable, or equipped, in advance for a a particular purpose or event
3. Completely prepared, or in condition for immediate use or progress
4. Mentally disposed and focused
5. Responding with great speed and sensitive
4. Immediately available.

The fact is that a waiting bride who is ready is vigilant and focused. She is careful, lest her remission find her unfocused, ill-prepared, unorganized, and, well, less than anticipatory. How excited and prepared a bride is for her wedding day is indication of how much she wants to be with her groom. The correlation is undeniable.

Are you ready, bride?
Are you watchful, vigilant, giving strict attention toward the anticipation of His coming (Matthew 24:42, Matthew 25:13)?

Are you sober (1 Thessalonians 5:6): calm and collected in spirit, circumspect, completely focused and mentally engaged?

Are you prayerful (Mark 14:34-38, Luke 21:34-36)?

Are you protective of “the house” from the thief who wants to steal, kill, and destroy (Luke 12:37)? Luke adds this in his gospel: “…so that your hearts aren’t weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness, and the cares of this life…”

In our alertness, are you admonishing others with compassion, even tears, commending one another to God and His Word of Grace, which builds up the church (Acts 20:31-32)? This is so important, because “there will rise up men among us who speak twisted things, misinterpreting the Truth, leading the church off the correct path (Acts 20:30)…

Are you really ready?

The bigger question is this: Am I?

Do our actions match the words of our mouth…the words of our song…the words of the Lord that we love to declare?


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