My quest: What it means to “church“…
!!!! Warning !!! (just in case you are joining me on this new journey): The next few weeks may be somewhat random, jumping all over the place. If I were really thorough, I’d study, dig into Scripture, read books, and create a blog that was orderly, thoughtful, and followed some sort of sequence. Sorry, that won’t be what you’ll get. What you’ll get are “thoughts” on the church as I go. So, with that in mind, we take a leap.

I’ve already downloaded a few books that have been recommended. I’ve looked at a few passages of Scripture. However, this week, every time I sit with these things, the words to the following old hymn keep popping into my head. Honestly, I can’t think of a better place to begin. Here are the words to the melody I’ve been humming:

The church’s one foundation
Is Jesus Christ her Lord
She is His new creation
By water and the Word
From heaven He came and sought her
To be His holy bride
And with His blood He bought her
And for her life He died
(lyrics: Samuel Stone, melody: Samuel Wesley, circa 1866)

Last week’s introductory thoughts on the church discussed one of the goals; the pinnacle to the answer of “why” the church: Passing the Baton of AWE.
This week, we lay a foundation for the church.

I’m no builder. But I know a little bit about foundations. A good foundation does more than just hold a house above ground. I know this from experience. My house is built on an experiment. At the time, this type of foundation was a newly formed theory: a floating foundation. The thought was that as the ground shifted, the ability to float would help the house shift along, causing less problems. That hasn’t proved itself out in the long term. Because it isn’t a SOLID foundation, we often have to repair sheet-rocked walls. They get stress fractures. The more extensive the foundation problems the more costly the fix. Ultimately, though, as one builder has said, “Without a good foundation, well, you’re sunk!”

Jesus Christ is the foundation. The church is built on this one premise and this one premise only. It is SOLID. It does not float. It does not shift or change. The truth is that no other theory will do. If the church forgets her foundation, or leaves it out of the equation, when building…look out! There will be stress fractures, or worse!!!  It is best we remember these words that should be written on the doorposts of every church:

13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. 18 And I tell you…on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell[b]shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16 – emphasis mine)

“YOU are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” There is the foundation. On that rock, that solid rock, the church of God has to be built. The church is so much more than a business, buildings, budgets, and my needs. Jesus Christ left heaven to seek a bride, a bride that would reflect the love of her husband. A bride who would live without fear, who would speak often of the price He graciously paid for her, a bride who would faithfully wait for her man to return and take her to her heavenly home.

Got any stress fractures? Is your church sinking? Maybe the foundation needs a little “shoring up.” When Jesus is the foundation, the church lives on enduringly…
When Jesus is the foundation, stress fractures can be prevented…
More importantly…
When Jesus is the foundation, the church works…

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