Family members have returned home…
Advent candles have all been lit and extinguished…
Christmas programs are completed…
Christmas decorations packed away for another year…
Leftovers from family meals are all consumed and the fridge is bare… (In fact, I’ve begun dieting, since all I got for Christmas was fat!)
Presents have found a new home somewhere around the house…
Signs of Christmas-present have become Christmas-past…
But, my heart has been warmed.
Any time I get to spend with these “treasures” is a delight to my soul…

This morning, I start turning my mind toward a new year.  Many have traditions they love for “bringing in the baby…” Some will party until the ball drops in Times Square (or on into the wee hours of the morning), some will plan, some will ponder. In the past, I’ve just gone to bed. However, before I do, I always have a little tradition of working through a few questions. I’ve posted them before, but since it was a few years ago, here they are again for “pondering”:

Looking back on 2015…

What were some of my personally defining moments of last year? 

What did I learn from someone else that impacted me in a positive way?

Are there some things I neglected – projects, goals, standards that I did not complete? 

How are my relationships?

What do I need to do about these things to bring closure to 2015?

Turning to 2016…

What do I hope to accomplish in this next year? Dreams/Visions/Projects?

How do I personally want to grow?

Are there goals to improve my spiritual health? my emotional health? my physical health? my relationships? my finances?

What actions can I take? What books can I read? Are there mentors I could turn to for advice? Events I can attend? Classes I could take? Podcasts to listen to? 

What one word will summarize my focus for 2016?

What will I do Monday through Friday to intentionally do these things?

This year, after I have pondered out the old, I’m praying in 2016. Along with the above questions (which I will still ponder), I’m intentionally going away to do some strategic battle…just me, along with a friend (a silent retreat of sorts). I sense a lot of change in this coming year, and my heart tells me it is BIG. I want to make sure I’m suited up with the proper armor and that my sword is sharp. To be honest, I’ve sensed lately that I’ve lost passion….my cutting edge… I’ve gotten too comfortable. I’ve been productive, serving the Lord, doing the “work” for the Kingdom, but somewhere along the way the flame has been dimmed. Prayer revives that passion. I’m not worried about it, even Timothy (Paul’s prodigy) needed his flame fanned from time to time. Paul reminded him to be intentional to see to taking care of that little flame regularly (For this reason, I remind you to keep fanning into flame the gift of God…which is in you…2 Timothy 1:6). Neither Tim or I can do anything more about reviving passion than pray (because passion, like faith, is a gift of God). So, pray I will…and lean into this promise through the lips of Hosea, the prophet:

He will come to us like rain, like the spring rain, watering the earth!
Hosea 6:3.

(I’d even take a snow fall on my soul, like the kind we’re currently seeing…)
So, whether you are partying, planning, pondering, praying…or doing some of all four…may your Lord come to you in 2016 and water the soil of your soul reaping a fruit of joy that spreads all around. May your passion be fanned into flame and your work for the Kingdom be profitable for all with whom you come in contact! Have a blessed year…

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