Our Mission

Since the conception of FOCUS Ministries, we built our mission upon the acronym for which FOCUS stands: Fresh Outlook Centering Upon the Savior. Our ministry’s goal is to present and RE-present Jesus to the churched and unchurched alike. Our mission is woven around that of the Apostle Paul, who never got over the grace of Jesus and lived his life with the goal of: “proclaiming Jesus, instructing and teaching all people with all wisdom (Colossians 1:28-29)."

About Our Mission


The Christian faith is built on human connectedness. That’s why we have built a community of supporters who keep us in FOCUS – through events hosted at various venues, newsletters for staying in touch, intentional prayer, and giving through donations.

How to Get Involved with FOCUS

Join Our Community

Sign Up For Our Newsletters

Join Our Prayer Community

Contact Us For Event Hosting

Support Our Mission

Donations make all the difference

Your Generosity Makes a Difference

Financial donations are a great way to support FOCUS Ministries. You can support us with a one-time or recurring gift through our donation page, or click on this link to make your donation through Easy Tithe

A Message From Bay

Have you ever wondered about your salvation in Christ Jesus? Many people do! We are here to assure you that you can know! Watch this 5 minute video of Bay’s as he explains what the gospel message entails. By the way – this is a great sampling of Bay’s passion and heart for the Word of God. If you are interested in booking Bay for an event, he will tailor all messages to meet the audience at their point of need.

What's Next?

Next Steps

How to begin your journey

You may be wondering what’s next in your journey. We want to help! Join us as we guide you in your walk with Jesus Christ.

Tell Someone

If you just prayed that prayer from Bay’s video, be sure to tell someone close to you. Let them know about the commitment you’ve made, why you’ve made it, and the difference it has made in your life.

Get Involved

Find a solid, Bible-believing church. It’s imperative that you surround yourself with people who will encourage you to grow, walk this new journey alongside you, and be a supporter of prayer.

Get Growing

Start reading the Scriptures. If you’re brand new to faith, begin in the book of John, hearing the story of Jesus from the beginning. Consider reading a devotional book, as well. You’ll find some options on our resource page.