Lent Day 22.

That morning I “left” to sit with Jesus…
On the beach…
At the quiet dawning of the morning…
And to simply chat with Him…
I basked in His glory,
and found JOY and PERSPECTIVE, once again, on this #lentenjourney.

It came in a simple reminder.
A stone in the sand.
I believe the Lord God Himself planted it so I would find it.
Of course, I didn’t have my phone with me, so I don’t have a picture to show.
Only to describe.

The stone was in the shape of a heart.

(…not my stone…)

A very definitive heart.
Some rocks, well, you have to dig deep in the imagination to see the shape.
Not this one.
There were no unusual edges that would need to be sanded or chiseled away.
It was smooth.

My stone-gift was also white.
Pure white, except for some splotches of amber on it.
Like blood had dripped on it, then dried.

And, I knew…
I knew the Lord wanted me to soak in His love…
That’s what Lent is all about!! 
Soaking afresh in HIS LOVE.

The whole theme of the Easter story.
Every. Single. Part.

These words from a Hawk Nelson song popped up as an echo in my brain, describing His LOVE –
“More than the drops in the ocean…”

If you wanna know
How far my love can go
Just how deep, just how wide
If you wanna see
How much you mean to me
Look at my hands, look at my side
If you could count the times I’d say you are forgiven
It’s more than the drops in the ocean

That’s a lot of drops.
That’s a lot of love…for me!

Then these words to Abraham in the form of a PROMISE…
Abrahams descendants.
More than the sands on the shores.
That’s me!
A grain of sand…
On the shore…
A chosen descendant of Abraham.
(Genesis 22:16-18)

One little grain.
Have you ever tried to pick up one little grain of sand?
They are microscopic…
But, that’s me!
A speck.

Yet, a speck that’s KNOWN…
A speck that’s LOVED….
to the UTTERMOST!!!

A speck that matters.

Reflect on that!
Let it soak deep.
It’s so humbling.
We matter THIS MUCH!
And, because we do…out of love…Jesus spilled His blood…
Rose again.
Sent His Spirit to us.
And, He reigns on High next to His Father, so we have a positional place in the heavenlies with Him.

Just think!

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