As I’ve turned the pages of 2 Timothy (where I’ve been studying the last seven weeks), I get this great sense of urgency from the Apostle Paul.

It doesn’t surprise me…

I know he knows…

His death is imminent.

When someone is about to die, they make last words count.

These words in this letter will be Paul’s very last.

As he pens them, and as the Lord whispers into his ear what to write, we know just how thought-full every! single! word! is!; and, so, we should lean in, and listen closely (though Paul doesn’t know it, we know that they are for us, too). 

Here is what the Lord breathes into Paul’s pen:

Do the work of an evangelist!

I read these words, and I hesitate. 

This is most definitely NOT my spiritual strength.

It IS MOST CERTAINLY my husband’s gift.

If Bay couldn’t share the gospel, he’d just as soon die. 

Evangelism is his heart beat.

From the top of his 6’10” head to the bottom of his size 16’s…his beautiful feet (um…this is debatable, actually) are set on a path to share the good news!

But, me….

I’m a teacher. 

Discipleship and mentoring – these bring me the GREATEST JOY in ministry.

And, yet, God writes to me through Paul’s pen:

Be a herald of salvation!

Talk about the “good tidings” 

(that’s what is at the root of Paul’s exhortation).

And, ringing in my ears are the words of the angel to shepherds on a star-lit hillside many years ago:

“Look and listen for I bring you






This was the first time in Scripture, we see the work of an “evangelist” performed (is it any mistake that part of the word “evangelist” is “angel”?).

We’re never more “angelic” than when we share the Good Tidings of Great Joy!

Not everyone is gifted to be an evangelist.

But everyone is asked to do the work of one.

For how will “they know to call on the Lord,” the Scriptures ask us, “unless they hear?”

“And how will they believe, unless someone speaks the gospel story?” (this is my loose translation of Romans 10:14)

So, here I sit this morning with the words of a 12-year-old-Jesus ringing in my ears, when He tells His parents (after three days of looking for their “lost” son, and finding Him in the temple), 

“I must be about my Father’s business.”

With that, I dive right into Paul’s challenge; and Jesus’ reminder to do the work of the Father…

Like Paul, I’m feeling a deep sense of urgency.

The more I have studied Scripture regarding “last days,” the more I think the Lord’s return could be imminent.

Many of the favorite pastor’s on my Sunday-morning-listen-to-list must also think so, because many of them are discussing it, as well.

If you’re watching the news in the Middle East, then you know there are some pretty amazing things happening. 

Things that are critical to end-times-prophecy.

With all of this swirling around me, like leaves at my feet, I’m seeing signs of a coming new season.

And, while the thought of Jesus coming back as He promised (and, as the angels promised at His ascension,) is EXCITING, there is a side of me that feels a heaviness.

I know far too many who have put off making a commitment of their lives to Jesus as Savior.

So, as Paul reminds Timothy of the necessity of sharing the gospel, he reminds him again, of why…

Jesus is coming back.

Our hearts need to prepare for Him.

We need to make sure we are READY when He does.

As, there was no room in Bethlehem the first time He came…

Will we have made room for Him in our hearts the next time He appears?

It may not be my spiritual “gift” to be an evangelist, but I must be about the business of doing the work of one.

To say to you…so you can say to others…so they can pass it on as well…

The Lord loves His creation.

He longs to be in relationship with them.

He wants nothing more than an intimate friendship with us, and to call us His child.


Sin keeps us from relationship with Him.

Sin that misses the mark and falls short of God’s glory.

Our sin; our simple desire to be in control of our own lives; to “do life” our own way, on our own terms; to be our own god…

…All of this simply pushes the Lord away, and prevents us from being in His presence.

And, we can’t be good enough, go to church enough, read our bibles enough, give enough money, serve in His name enough, do anything enough to earn our way into heaven…

To be His child, we must believe and receive the Lord Jesus as our Savior.

To be His child, we must understand the price He paid for us on Calvary, by dying in our place.

To see clearly that He took our deserved punishment upon Himself as a sacrificial Lamb, to pay the price of our sin (the only thing that would appease a Holy God and allow us to escape judgment)…

This is the gospel of GRACE.

Our part is simple…

We can do nothing.

Nothing, but fall on our faces, before Him…

Thank Jesus for His death on our behalf.

Confess our sinfulness.

Receive the forgiveness He offers.

And, simply let Him know, we desire Him to take charge.

We surrender.

Surrender all.

Receive the new life He offers…

Then, follow after Him…

Seeking His will for our lives…

All the way to heaven (either at our death, or if so blessed, be caught up together with Him when He returns for His own). 

Just don’t miss out…

Don’t miss out by 6″…the distance from your head to your heart…

Having a head knowledge is not enough, we must give Him full access to our hearts and lives.

Because my husband is gifted in evangelism, I’m posting two links under his photo below.

One is a four-minute video on our website (right under the initial welcome on our ministry’s home page); the other is a seven-minute video on his You Tube channel. Both will give you a clear explanation of what it means to find salvation.

First, examine yourself to see if you are “in faith.”

Second, share with others who may need to do the same.

Message on FOCUS Website

How to Know…

Jesus is coming again!

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