Lent Day 7.

Lent serves to keep my mind off self. 

That’s what prayer accomplishes when you start receiving an attitude adjustment.
Having a Jesus-mind means others interests come before my interests.
Self seems less important;
Living a Jesus-like-life is more…
It’s no wonder this verse comes before the passage I printed out yesterday.

So, this morning, as I journaled, I asked the Lord to give just one “other” to focus on each day in prayer until Lent passes. I randomly wrote down a category of people-I-know as thoughts came to my mind. Here’s my list:

March 7th (today): Those who’ve recently lost a loved one.

March 8th: Your pastor and his family.

March 9th: Our President and his family.

March 10th: Our national government leaders.

March 11th: World leaders.

March 12th: Our military and their families (selfishly, would you pray for our son, Adam & his family).

March 13th: State and local government.

March 14th: Our police men and women.

March 15th: Firefighters.

March 16th: Teachers and administrators.

March 17th: People who serve you daily (postal workers, grocery store clerks, bank tellers, etc).

March 18th: Your parents (if still living).

March 19th: Your siblings.

March 20th: Your children.

March 21st: Your extended family.

March 22nd: Close friends.

March 23rd: Missionaries you know personally.

March 24th: Those who may “despise and speak poorly of you”.

March 25th: Those who wish to do you harm.

March 26th: Folks who think differently than you do.

March 27th: Doctors and nurses.

March 28th: Veterans.

March 29th: Those struggling with mental illness.

March 30th: People you know who have recently had to “die to a dream”.

March 31st: Children (& adults) who struggle to fit in.

April 1: Those who have lost, and are struggling to find, a job.

April 2: The unborn.

April 3: The newborn.

April 4: The many who silently battle with addictions.

April 5: Those who have been divorced, betrayed, abandoned in marriage.

April 6: Families trying to successfully blend in re-marriage.

April 7: Those who are aging and struggling with loss of independence.

April 8: Immigrants.

April 9: The many who live in poverty and face fear daily.

April 10: The marginalized.

April 11: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6) and all Israel.

April 12: The lost who intersect your world and who need to know Jesus…that they may have ears to hear.

April 13: The sick.

April 14: The hungry.

April 15: Those who are religiously blinded to the truth of the gospel.

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