Lent Day 4.

“But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’
Luke 18:13

Lent reminds me how much I need mercy.

Two men went to the temple to pray.

A Pharisee. Religious. Ritual follower. Rule-Doer. Righteous-in-his-own-eyes. Sinner.

A Tax Collector. Traitor. Extortioner. Un-righteous. Reviled. Sinner.

The contrast: ExTrEmE!

Both were sinners.
Both went to the temple to pray.
Both wanted a touch from God.

The greatest difference: one knew his great need of mercy.

Only that one walked away from the House of Prayer “justified” that day, having gotten that touch.

When the purpose of Lent is on my mind, and in my heart (yes, as it should be EVERY DAY), my spiritual senses are keen.

The last three days of Lent have served to show me my Pharisaical side.
I’ve awakened to my spiritual pride.
My eyes are opened to how often I gauge my righteousness on my ritual-following

The last three days, I’ve seen the Publican in me.
I am more vividly aware of my wrong attitudes (which stink).
I hear the things I say that don’t match the motivations of my heart.
I’m more sensitive to my mean-spiritedness, my lack of authenticity, my un-righteousness.

Like the Prodigal and the “other brother,” I am both.
And, I need a touch from God.
I need the lavish, prodigal-ness, of my Heavenly Father.

As a result there is only one prayer to pray – it’s called The Jesus Prayer!


The Jesus Prayer according to numerous Church Fathers is “essential” to our spiritual growth. The Jesus Prayer proclaims our faith and humbles us by asking mercy for our sinfulness. The Jesus Prayer has two important purposes. The first is worship as with all prayer. The second is a discipline to help our soul gain control our overactive brains and create stillness so the Holy Spirit can work through us and help us live the virtues in union with God. ***

But praise the Lord for the verse that follows the Publican’s Prayer. It’s THE GREAT RESPONSE of a Sacrificial God. The God-of-Mercy! What a taste of the Easter-Victory-Dance to come!

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