Fall is just my favorite time of year, and this week, we took a little time away from our home-office to enjoy the beauty of her grand entrance…
I’m always reminded when I step away from the normal, and take a “holy-pause,” that the Lord is still governing our world.
He proves Himself all around us.
This is one of the most reassuring notions for me right now…in these days…in this chaos and madness that is 2020.
I need this reminder, and the Lord is whispering His truth into my soul, even as I ponder what is happening in our world…

So, as fall opens her lovely eyes, I’ve started dipping my toes into a new study on the little book of Habakkuk.

I’ve waded in that ocean before…

But this time, I want to go out a little further, get in over my head, and maybe even scuba dive a wee bit.

Habakkuk is one of those books that has some terrific verses we love to quote. 

…yet the context for them is sometimes excluded.

I picked Habakkuk, because I have some questions.

This prophet, poet, possible worship-leader-in-the-Jerusalem-temple did, too.

His questions were heavy on his heart…

…and they weighed the man down (the oracle/burden that Habakkuk the prophet saw -v.1).

He bears these questions without shame or apology, and, rather than ignoring them…

…He goes to the Lord with his burden in the form of questions.

He’s not arguing…He’s not complaining….He simply just wants to know an answer, and I’m guessing he’s prayerfully hoping that the Lord will assuage some of his concerns…

We can do this, you know…

God is a safe place for questions…

That’s different than arguing…

His questions sound like this (Habakkuk 1:2-3, 13):

O LORD, how long shall I cry for help,

and you will not hear?

Or cry to you “Violence!”

and you will not save?

Why do you make me see iniquity,

and why do you idly look at wrong?

…why do you idly look at traitors

and remain silent when the wicked swallows up

the man more righteous than he?

His questions sound a lot like, “Lord, why aren’t you doing something? Why are you letting evil win, and bad things happen to good people?”

This book was written somewhere around 690….BC!!….yet the questions sound very 21st century.

So, as I began my journey out into the deep, I figured I better list some of the “burdens of my heart…”

I have many….

They aren’t in the form of questions, and yet, like Habakkuk, I wonder why God isn’t doing something…

Here are just a few concerns/fears I’m longing to see reversed:

I fear losing the next generation to the god-of-this-world, who is blinding them…

I fear morality is being lost under the heading of “normalization…”

I am burdened over progressive Christianity and the many I dearly love who are buying into this new “philosophy…”

I am heavy hearted over the oh-so-loud-voices of liberalism that negate foundational biblical principles, without thought to what God’s Word declares…

I am deeply grieved over the way the Church of Jesus is viewed, and the skewed picture we have given of Jesus’ grace, love, and teachings…

Interestingly enough, the Lord God (the Holy One, the One who is from Everlasting, the One who is Habakkuk’s God…and MINE!), answered.

It’s EXACTLY the answer we need to hear (does this surprise us?) today (1:5).

“Look among the nations, and see;

wonder and be astounded.

For I am doing a work in your days…”

“Open your eyes…

Wonder at what you see…

Be in awe…

I AM at work!!!

Just as summer air succumbs to cooler temps every year…

Just as leaves change to glorious golds, oranges, reds, and yellows…

Just as the squirrels scamper to gather acorns…

Just as fall’s splendor arrives expectedly…

I AM at work!!!

You can count on it!

Look behind the scenes…

I am there…

My voice still whispers…

…and, my plans for this world will never be thwarted.

Things may not look as you expect (they didn’t for Habakkuk either),

BUT, I have not left this earth-I-created to her own devices.”

So, if you are like me, and you are heavy-hearted…

If your burdens are questions…

Join me…..




Maybe, like me, you need to take a “holy pause” – it’s always helpful! 

And, the Lord is always faithful!

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