Here’s a thought…


It’s a biblical principle. I see it over and over scattered throughout Scripture (and, yes, even in the Old Testament). Grace is extended in all kinds of ways: in attitude, in relationship, in patience, in love, in kindness, in pursuit of peace…the list is endless. There’s another way it’s shown, that is less spoken of, lest we “offend.” Grace is also extended out of our pocket books, using the almighty

So, it stands to reason that the followers of Jesus are the most generous of givers. Our churches are filled with grace-receivers. However…

“The church of today is not great at giving.  This isn’t exactly news. But it is a statistical fact: 
-Tithers make up on 10-25 percent of a normal congregation.
-Only 5 percent of the U.S. tithes, with 80% of American’s only giving 2% of their income. 
-Christians are only giving at 2.5% per capita, while during the Great Depression they gave at a 3.3% rate.” (Relevant Magazine)

With that, here’s what I believe the Lord would like to see from His followers: beggars.


Yes! Jesus is looking for beggars. Not in a third-world-country-sort-of-way. I’ve seen a lot of those kind of beggars on the sidewalks of Kenyan cities, in South Africa, in Tanzania, in Cuba, and sadly, in our own country. Jesus isn’t looking for beggars who want to receive, Jesus is looking for beggars who want to give!

There’s a great need for Christian beggars. Beggars who have their “eyes open,” and are (here’s that word from last week)  WATCHFUL, begging for an opportunity to generously pour out “relief.” He’s looking for His bride to stop worrying about getting more, storing up what they think is “enough,” and, even out of their own poverty, overflowing in a wealth of generosity. It’s not about how much we have, but what we do with it. Like the Macedonian churches who gave to the needs of the Jerusalem church.
We want you to know brothers, about the grace of God that has been given among the churches of Macedonia, for in a severe test of affliction, their abundance of joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, begging us earnestly for the favor or taking part in the relief of the saints (2 Corinthians 8:1-4).
Do you see it in there? The part about begging? The part where Paul tells how the churches gave? They were afflicted and in EXTREME poverty; and, they “begged earnestly” for a favor. That favor had nothing to do with themselves. They didn’t ask for help with their needs; they asked if they could take part in helping relieve the needs of others.
That’s not me. I’m not naturally thoughtful. It’s not in my DNA to beg-to-give. When I have a need, or I’m in a season of HARD, I don’t default to OTHER’S HARD. I become self-focused. “How can I get relief for my own need? However, I won’t just point the three fingers backward; I’ll point my finger at YOU, too. I don’t think it comes naturally in any of us. There’s a key to being OTHER’s FOCUSED. There’s an answer to being this kind of earnest beggar…
Paul finishes his sentence this way, “…and this not as we expected, but they gave themselves to the Lord first, and then, by the will of God, to us (2 Corinthians 8:5)”
“They gave themselves to the Lord first…” They entrusted themselves to the Lord’s care; had committed their lives; and, they had surrendered everything they had (and didn’t have) into His Hands, giving Him full permission to manage their interests (even their $$$). Obviously, their God was proving Himself faithful, over and over again, because their hearts were filled “with abundance of joy.” We don’t have that kind of joy if we aren’t experiencing the Presence of God in our Place of Hard (Psalm 16:11). 
Jesus-Beggars are givers. First to the Lord. Then, by the will of God, to one another…for the relief of the saints. 

Followers of Jesus, BEG! Followers of Jesus, look out for one another! For when we do, “we will be His witnesses…”  The Lost will see and CRY OUT:


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