I found myself reflecting this week on a season of near revival in the church I attended so long ago.  I remembered the desire to be in the building, for long hours, way into the night (I, now, have deep admiration for the nursery workers), because none of us wanted to miss the possibility that God just might step down in full glory.  Not only did we show up on Sunday morning and Sunday night, but I remember coming to church, and being excited about going, at very random times.  What a season of worship – real worship, heart rending praise and worship.  What a time of vulnerability, brokenness, confession, and restoration.  What sharing of testimonies of thanksgiving.   There is no question that God’s Spirit was present.  I had never sensed anything like it, nor have I since.  In many ways, I cannot describe or define what took place.  It was, in the true sense of an over-used word, AWESOME!
Yet, as I’ve pondered the “why” of that time, two key pieces stand out.  The first key piece could only be explained as being in an environment of grace that gave us permission to be real and messy…in order to find absolute forgiveness and renewal.  The second key piece I attribute to grateful hearts.  Again, as I’ve reflected, some key passages spill into my thoughts. 
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving (Psalm 95:2).
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.  Give thanks to Him… (Psalm 100:4)
In 2 Samuel 6, King David ushered in the presence of the Lord, as represented by the Ark of the Covenant, with jubilant, unashamed, thanksgiving.
In 2 Chronicles 5, just prior to the “glory of the Lord” filling the newly constructed temple, we find the people of God sacrificing, praising, and giving thanks
There’s a definite theme that precedes the revealed presence of God in the lives of His people:  THANKSGIVING.
Life Lesson – short and sweet:  The surest way to usher myself into the revealed presence of God is in heartfelt celebration, offering up a sacrifice of thanksgiving.
…and, there is nothing I want more than to sense his nearness! 

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